Thank you for your last delivery. You'll be pleased that the units you sent are selling well, and that the quality of the units match the buyer's sample we sent you.
Many of our customers have been asking about your new product, the Mini-Motor. We would like to test the market for them.
Would it be possible for me to have six units, sale on approval, before placing a firm order? This is because we feel we can't place a sale as seen order, since we don't know anything about the product. We ask that the samples, and the later orders we may place, be sale or return.
● 你会对…感到高兴
1. You will be pleased that...
2. I am sure you will be happy to hear that...
3. I am happy to inform you that...
buyer's sample 买方样品
sale on approval 试验买卖
"approval" ‘认可、同意’。某些商品的交易中,卖方准许买方在一特定期间内使用或检验;若不满意,可以退货。试用期届满,买方未表示意见、货物也未退还时,则视为认购成立。
sale as seen 凭检视买卖
此指买方以当场看到或以前所看到的情形,决定购不购买。卖方对于所出售商品的品质与适用性并不附带任何保证,此种买卖多用于拍卖时。与"sale on seen"同义。
sale or return 准许退货买卖