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经济学家凯瑟琳o格雷迪(Kathryn Graddy)曾经花了一个月时间,追踪纽约富尔顿鱼市(Fulton Fish Market)中的一位鱼商。她大清早就要起床,而且要交保护费才能把车停到离市场较近的安全地点。她发现,鱼商似乎对不同种族的人要不同的价格--尤其明显的是,亚裔买家往往会拿到比白人更有利的价格。一个可能的解释是,亚裔买家在唐人街拥有对价格更加敏感的客户。
economist Kathryn Graddy once spent a month shadowing a trader at the Fulton Fish Market in New York, rousing herself in the early hours and paying protection money to park her car in a safe spot near the market. She discovered that market traders appeared to charge different prices to different ethnic groups - in particular, Asian buyers tended to win keener prices than white buyers. The likely explanation was that the Asian buyers had more price- sensitive customers in Chinatown.
Still, this was a surprising result.
A competitive market should eliminate the traders' ability to charge white customers more, and the Fulton Fish Market should be competitive: it is the world's second largest. (Tsukiji, more than five times larger, is in a league of its own.) Graddy discovered that even at Fulton, perfect competition was elusive.
Nevertheless, the better markets work, the more transactions they make possible. Some transactions are so tempting as to be irrepressible, much as we might want to repress them: school children will be supplied with chocolate bars whether or not the school shop stocks them. Other transactions are inspiring in their resilience. In the chaos of Mogadishu, Somalia, private merchants have worked out ways to get the market for electricity to work without metering; customers pay according to the number of bulbs in their home or workshop.

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