Look at theexpressions below. Which are said by a) a host? b) a guest?
Label eachexpression either H(for host) or G(for guest)
1. Can I get you adrink?
2. Yes, it’s justdown there on the left.
3. It all looksgood. What do you recommend?
4. Would you likeme to show you round?
5. Help yourselfto some food.
6. Yes, please.I’ll have a white wine.
7. Can I give youlift to the airport?
8. Yes, I’d loveto see some of the sights.
9. Could you tellme where the toilet is, please?
10. It’s very kindof you to offer, but there’s a taxi coming for me at 11:00.
Decide whethereach underlined expression is: a) interrupting or b) clarifying.
1. -- I think Julywould be the best time. It’s very quiet then, isn’t it?
-- You mean , we don’t do too muchbusiness then?
2. -- Could Ijust say something?
3. -- In myopinion, we should do it department by department.
-- How do you mean exactly?
4. -- We’vecontacted two companies, National Transport and Fox Removals.
-- Sorry, could I just comment on that,Mark?
5. -- You know,There’s another possibility. We could get our own people to do the moving.
-- What? You think our transportationdepartment could do the job?
vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,