Woman:Thank you everybody, thank you. The Business Support Agency or BSA are very proud of the part we play in the development of business success. Today I'll give you a bit of background on the Agency, and then outline the steps involved in applying for support. OK? What we do, basically, is distribute financial support from our funds, which come from the central government Department of Education on the one hand, and then that sum is matched - the amount fluctuates on a yearly basis - by contributions from a number of multinational companies.
We then follow the procedures I'l1 be outlining in a moment. Some examples of this work, if you’re interested, can be seen in our annual report - I'll leave copies out for you to look at. Since we began, we've given out over three hundred grants. We made twenty awards last year alone, and expect that figure to rise to twenty-five next year. But we've not simply giving this money away - our criteria are strict.
So, how do you apply? Well, there are four steps to making an application. In the first place, you should get in touch with our Project Co-ordinating Office. You can call them on 0188 45 45 45 and express your interest. They'll then send you an application form. it's quite a lengthy document, I must warn you, and you'll need to fill in information about the history of your company, outline your requirements, and include the predicted benefits. That gives us the beginning of a picture and enables us to make an initial decision about whether to proceed any further.
所以,您该如何申请呢?申请的流程分四步。首先,您应该和我们的项目协调办公室联系。你可以打0188 45 45 45,表达你的兴趣。然后他们会寄给你一份申请表。我必须提醒您,申请表是份很长的文件,您需要填写关于你们公司的历史,概述您的需求,并填写预期的资金。这为我们提供了一个开端,使我们能够初步决定申请是否可以继续进行下去。