February 11, 2005
Dear Nick,
So you’re coming to Denver? Great! It’ll be good to have you here in the home of the Super Bowl champs.
I’ve checked out a few places for you. I found a nice one in a good neighborhood not far from downtown. It only costs US$900. It seems to fit your requirements fairly well. If you want, I can put down a deposit for you, though it’d be even better if you can come up and check it out yourself. Just in case, I’ll keep an eye out for other places, so if you come up, you’ll have several choices to look at.
By the way, I definitely intend to hold you to your promise of a dinner!
Your old buddy,
Sam Wilson
山姆‧威尔森 敬上
1. the Super Bowl champs 超级杯冠军
bowl 大(酒)杯
champ 冠军手(赢得冠军的人或球队)
home of the Super Howl champs"(超级杯冠军之乡)的雅称。
2. check out. .看……
=look at. ,
例:I want to check out that new movie.
3. fit 符合
例:I'm afraid you don't fit our requirements.
4. requirement 要求
require 要求
= demand 要求
例:Mr. Li requires a lot from his employees.
=Mr Li demands a lot from his employees.
5, fairly 相当地,还算
例:Your baseball team is fairly good,but ours is better.
6. put down a deposit预付订金
deposit [dippzit] n。订金
例:James has put down a deposit on a new house.
7.come up前来
例:When can you come up and visit us?
8. Just in case, S+V(只是)为了预防万一,……
例;Just in case, you should write a will.
9. keep an eye out for.二密切注意…""" (= look out for.
keep an eye on.二密切盯着……,看守着……
例:The police officer is keeping an eye out for suspicious-looking people
Keep an eye on the thief lest he should run away.
10. choice 选择
have no choice but to V 除……之外别无选择
= have no option but to V
=have no alternative but to V
例:I have no choice but to quit my job.
11. look at...看……
例:The museum is not much to look at.
12. By the way, S}-V顺便一提,……;对了,……
例:By the way, did you hear about what happened yesterday?