Did you know that roller coasters have been around for a long time?
The idea for roller coasters first came along in the 1400s, when people in Russia would sleds down ice slides over 70 ft tall and hundreds of feet long.
So when you think of it, sled riding is kind of like riding on a roller coaster, isn't it?
The first American roller coaster was actually a train, originally designed to carry coal out a mountain in the 1850.
People started riding it, it was so fun.
The first official roller coaster like the ones we ride today was a Switchback Railway in Coney Island in New York, way back in 1884.
而第一个正式的、就像我们今天乘坐的这样的过山车,是在1884年纽约康尼岛的Switchback Railway。
You can't ride the Switchback Railways anymore, but you can ride Leap the Dips at Lakemont Park in Pennsylvania.
你现在不能再坐Switchback Railway了,但你可以在宾夕法尼亚州的莱克蒙特公园坐Leap the Dips过山车。
That was built in 1902 and is still running today.