These people are going back home, but there isn't much left here.
Almost two million people in Gaza were forced to leave their homes because of war.
Now back in the area he used to live, 10-year-old Tariq has come to see what little is left of his school.
"This is my school now in ruins, with only the walls left standing. We've been destroyed and nothing remains.
When I saw my school in ruins, a deep sadness overwhelmed me, and I long for it to return to what it once was.
Despite everything, I haven't stopped learning. I study at home, making sure not to waste a moment. So when I do go back to school, I will be ready."
BBC dars reporter Hanan Razak told Newsround what's been happening.
"There are lots of wars going on in the Middle East and North Africa, which has left around 30 million children unable to go to school.
Children in Sudan are among the most affected, with 16.5 million children currently missing out on school."
This is Sudan, a huge country in northern Africa. It's been almost two years since war started here.
Millions of people, including many children, live in refugee camps, which are places set up for people who've had to run away from fighting.
But there's not much chance to get an education here.
14-year-old Zafar is helping her younger friends to practice reading Arabic.
She misses her school, but she hasn't lost her dream of becoming a surgeon.
"Yes, I am still holding on to my ambition. I have hope. I have great hopes for Sudan as a whole. And I believe that even after a hundred years, Khartoum will rise again.
I am searching for a glimmer of hope and I want to hold on to it. Everyone should try their best not to give up on their ambitions."