Through their actions, they received fame, but through that fame, they became susceptible to disrepute, which could take the form of millions of people just despising you, attacking you on the internet, and sending you rotten fish in the mail.
Just look at the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case and how the latter became one of the world's most hated and reviled people.
If she hadn't been famous, she'd never have received this mass hatred: her deeds would have been invisible to most of the world.
Hers would just have been an obscure case of domestic abuse, like many others. Not everyone 'chooses' to be famous, of course.
Not all forms of fame entail conscious efforts to outshine others. But we can't deny that when you shine somewhere up there in the sky, you're susceptible to the wind.
It's easy to fall. And when you fall, you fall hard and painfully. Yet, fame (or 'relevance') has become a heavily sought-after thing today.
It has also become more accessible due to social media platforms. Ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus categorized 'fame' as a vain desire. Fame never truly satisfies.
There's no natural limit to it, as opposed to hunger. And if we're honest with ourselves, do the benefits of fame really outweigh the disadvantages?
What are the benefits of being seen by everyone? You'll get attention from your desired gender (or genders).
As people recognize you, you'll get opportunities to shine ever brighter. You'll gain respect and influence.
So, broadly, the advantage of fame is fundamentally the perpetuation and propagation of fame itself.
Now, let's look at the disadvantages of fame: disturbance of tranquility, loss of privacy, the attraction of stalkers, fake friends, and other people who intend to use you, and constantly being watched and judged.
Also, the pursuit of fame is the pursuit of something vastly out of our control, dependent on the whims of the audience.
The audience could turn against you in the blink of an eye, destroying the reputation you spent years of blood, sweat, and tears building.
According to Epicurus, fame is a highly unreliable, insatiable pleasure, challenging to acquire and maintain.
Considering all these downsides, can't we argue that being invisible is a blessing? So, within the Epicurean view, we find support for the 'case for invisibility.'
Staying away from the public eye prevents us from the disadvantages of fame. It also allows us to find sources of contentment that are easier to acquire and maintain.
Among those sources, Epicurus counts enjoying a meal, meeting with friends, or simply enjoying the internal state of not wanting anything at all.
None of these things require a million followers on TikTok or your face plastered over YouTube recommendations;
none of these quick and easy portals to contentment command you to engage in the continual pursuit of so-called 'relevance.'
Furthermore, such pursuits are just dark clouds blocking our sunlight.
In a world that values individualism and authenticity, many people want to 'stand out,' be it through their physical appearance or outspoken opinions.
If you've been watching this channel, you probably know by now that I favor non-conformity.
However, I believe that being non-conformist doesn't necessarily have to be 'notable;' you don't have to be an isolated island of specialness or 'differentness' to be 'you.'
I'd say that 'blending in' could even reinforce one's authenticity, as it just makes it easier to navigate this whole superficial realm of customs, habits, and outward characteristics, which leaves more time and energy to do you.
I'll explain. As I see it, as contradictory as this may sound, not fitting in doesn't mean you can't blend in.
For me, 'fitting in' is a matter of deeper, essential concerns: things like ethics, morals, spirituality, purpose, and life goals.
'Blending in' corresponds with what I consider more superficial aspects of life, such as looks, how others perceive you, manners, and behaviors in interactions.
Yes, I get it; it's tempting to show authenticity through these external aspects: dressing differently, dyeing your hair green, or covering your face with tattoos. Sure, you'll stand out. People will notice you.
I don't say there's anything wrong with these things. I think it's brave how people dare to go against the grain through their appearance.
However, the authenticity of appearing different from the rest is skin-deep. This doesn't mean that, let's say, someone with fifty piercings isn't authentic on the inside.
It's just that who we are, authentically, goes deeper than outside appearances.
A person with purple hair, his face covered in tattoos, vaping through his nose while wearing sandals in the winter, indeed, is a non-conformist on the outside. But what does it say about the inside?
His appearance may actually just be a means to gain attention on social media, making him another sheep in the relevance-seeking, narcissistic herd.
On the other hand, beyond his deviant appearance, we could find someone living life on his own terms, thinking for himself, and his appearance is just an expression of that.
What I'm trying to conceive here is that, in my opinion, living authentically doesn't necessarily require people to be different regarding outward, superficial aspects.
Moreover, I'd argue that when you put too much emphasis on the superficial, the outward, you might go beyond what's on the inside, which, I think, truly counts.
Blending in when it comes to trivial matters such as haircuts, clothes, and basic codes of conduct makes life so much easier. You won't stand out. You won't draw much attention to you.
And that's the beauty of it: You enjoy the benefit of not standing out in the herd while, at the same time, not being part of it, thinking how you want to think, believing what you want to believe, and pursuing what you want to pursue in your private sphere.
Blending in makes you invisible. You're flying under the radar, appearing as one of them, but you know better.
And because you don't stand out, people won't likely bother or challenge you; no one will suspect you actually don't belong. So, what do you think about this?
Do you agree? Is being invisible beneficial? Please let us know in the comment section. Thank you for watching.