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In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is cuffing season.

随着天气转凉, 我们今天说一个特别有意思的季节, 叫做Cuffing Season.

Cuff, it makes you think about handcuffs, right?

If I tell you this word has something to do with relationships, are you thinking about something kinky? But actually it's not really that.

1 So what is cuffing season?

什么是 "抱抱季"?

According to most lifestyle writers, cuffing season refers to the time of the year when the weather starts to turn cold, and single people begin the active search for romantic partners in the hope of having someone with whom to ride out the colder, snowier, bleaker months.

简单来说, cuffing season 就是那种天气变冷, 单身的人都突然开始想要找个伴, 可以抱团取暖过冬, 所以也有人把这个季节叫做抱抱季.

Typically, cuffing season runs from October through March, depending on the climate you're in. The season is generally regarded as culminating with Valentine's Day.

And after that, everything pretty much goes downhill.

Interestingly, according to social networking sites like Facebook, people often change their relationship status to“in a relationship”between October and February;

and a significant number change it back to“single”in March, which pretty much shows the end of cuffing season.

这就是为什么有人在脸书这种社媒上面, 在10月份到2月份之间会突然显示自己in relationship在谈恋爱, 到了3月又恢复成单身.

Now the act of seeking out casual romantic relationships certainly isn't new, but cuffing season might be original in linking the desire to the weather.

Remember I said the word“cuff”makes you think about handcuffs which sounds kinky?

but the notion is really not handcuffing your partner, but it's simply the idea of being connected or tied temporarily to another person. It's the same like say hook up.

The earliest recorded print uses of cuffing season date from college newspapers in 2011.

Before that the word "cuff" used as a verb finds its origin in African American slang, they used it to mean hook up.

I know what you're thinking.

It's like I'm reading your mind. You do want someone to keep you warm during the winter months.

2 Why do people want that?


There is certain science behind cuffing season.

Doctors say when the temperature drops and it gets dark earlier, there is often a change of mood connected with the two chemicals of melatonin and serotonin in your body.

它跟你身体里面的两个化学元素有关, 一个是Melatonin褪黑素, 还有一个是serotonin血清素.

So dark, cold nights can trigger an intense feeling of loneliness and a drop in serotonin, and there may even be a significant link between cuffing season and seasonal affective disorder.

如果你对心理学感兴趣, 可能听过一个心理上的问题叫做SAD, 拼出来是sad.

I think the British invented this, Seasonal Affective Disorder.


If you have been in England for those dark, rainy, gloomy winters, when it gets dark at around 4pm, you probably understand the idea of SAD or the winter blues.

这个也被叫做 “winter blues”冬日抑郁症.

If you have SAD or winter blues, you tend to lose motivation in activities you love, you feel lonelier and more fatigued, so exhausted, and perhaps you will become more withdrawn.

And dating or at least finding someone warm to be with is often a healthier strategy of coping with this SAD or winter blues then say being withdrawn, binge drinking or binge eating.

Since cuffing season only lasts as long as the fall and winter months, relationships that begin during cuffing season are often short term or temporary, and tend to last as long as the season itself.

In some cases, these short term relationships started in cuffing season could blossom into something long term,

but be warned the downside to dating during cuffing season is that sometimes you might intentionally or unintentionally lock yourself into a relationship you don't really want to be in.

Because during cuffing season you feel this intrinsic need to be with someone to be in a relationship right now.

And that often makes people lower their standards or expectations in a relationship.

They're willing to be with people who are convenient and available versus those who truly match them.

也正是在抱抱季 cuffing season, 因为你太渴望一个人的温暖, 所以可能有意无意地降低标准, 这个时候available and convenient比真正的意中人可要显得重要多了.

The other reason for this urge to date someone even just temporarily during cuffing season is because during winter months there are lots of big holidays;

for English speakers, for example Thanksgiving for Americans and then Christmas for the entire western world, and for us there's Chinese New Year, they all happen in winter months.

These are very family and friend oriented holidays.

So during this season many of us would desire relationships and human connection, being with someone makes us feel cozy and creates a natural boost in serotonin, the feel good chemical in our brains.

Especially when we take this certain someone to a holiday event or family gathering, this can usually alleviate a lot of dread and anxiety of people asking why you're still alone.

而且参加这种家庭或者朋友的聚会, 如果总是孤零零的一个人, 多少显得有点惨, 或者也会要面临很多的压力和焦虑, 被人问到为什么还是single, 这样带一个人至少可以减轻这个方面的anxiety.

But whether you're looking for a quick fling, short term relationship, or a potential long term partner, or you're just looking for a reason this holiday season to keep your family members off your back about when you're going to get married, dating during cuffing season can work for you.

You just have to watch out for some of the boundaries and rules.

3 What are the tips for cuffing season?


So to end today's buzzword episode, here are some of the tips if you are planning to date during cuffing season.

最后就是如果你想在抱抱季找一个短暂但温暖的怀抱, here are some tips.

No.1, be mindful of your desire for a relationship. Know that you want it maybe just because you're lonely, maybe just because you dread the cold weather.

No.2, be clear about what you're seeking in the long and short term.

No.3, define your relationship, make sure you and whoever you are dating are on the same page that you want the same things.

No.4, don't make plans too far in advance, because many of these relationships in cuffing season, they end at the end of the cuffing season.

No.5, prepare for the holidays because you might take this date this person to some of the friends or family gatherings. So be ready to manage your friends and family's expectation.

No.6, set healthy, emotional and physical boundaries. What you can't do, what you're not comfortable with.

No.7, don't ghost the relationship. Ghost指的是玩消失.

I know you probably want to end the relationship at the end of the cuffing season when it gets warmer,

but be decent, be honest and say you want to end the relationship, don't just ghost your partner.

No.8, recognize that it's okay if you are single, don't feel compelled to be in a terrible relationship in cuffing season just because everyone else has hooked up.

Those are the tips if you're thinking about finding companionship during cuffing season.

Now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Sample Sentence:

The increasing popularity of dating apps like Tinder also contributed to the rise of cuffing season.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

dread [dred]


n. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事
adj. 可怕

intentionally [in'tenʃənli]


adv. 有意地,故意地

withdrawn [wið'drɔ:n]


adj. 偏僻的,离群的,孤独的,内向的 动词withd

tinder ['tində]


n. 火绒,火种

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

alleviate [ə'li:vieit]


vt. 减轻,使 ... 缓和

handcuffs ['hændkʌfs]


n. 手铐

blossom ['blɔsəm]


n. 花,开花,全盛期
vi. 开花,成长





