In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Tenniscore.
一听到今天的buzzword, 后面的那一部分是core, 如果你对fashion比较感兴趣, 你就知道 core大概率就是跟时尚潮流相关了.
In the past decade or so, we have seen so many fashion trends named something core, for example, normcore, dreamcore or even cottagecore.
这些年来有特别多以core...核命名的这些fashion trends时尚潮流. 我们也正好趁着咱们的奥运网球冠军郑钦文的这股热度还没有过去的时候, 来聊聊和网球相关的 tenniscore.
What is Tenniscore?
Is this just what you wear for a tennis match? Yes and no.
Remember before we were talking about quiet luxury and old money aesthetics.
this new trend tenniscore, which is sweeping TikTok and Instagram has something to do with old money aesthetics.
我们今天说的 tenniscore 其实就跟老钱风有点关系, 甚至还被翻译成 “网球老钱风”.
Although now many more people play tennis and it has become more popular among the general public, tennis is historically an elite sport.
虽然说现在网球变得更加普及, 但是它在传统上依然是一个精英或者说是贵族运动, 相信大家都听过这个说法.
And a corresponding tenniscore wardrobe reflects that level of privilege.
So in short, tenniscore is a niche where leisure and luxury go hand in hand.
简单来说所谓的tenniscore, 网球老钱风或者网球风, 它是一个结合了leisure休闲风和luxury奢华风的这么一种风格.
This perhaps explains why tenniscore isn't really focused on the athleticism, but rather the privilege that comes with the sport.
所以在我们说网球风的时候, 我们关注的其实并不是这个运动要怎么打, 而是说跟运动相关的这些阶级和特权的文化符号.
While tennis has inspired the fashion world for quite some time now, the ultraluxe aesthetic has seen a renewed interest over the past few months and is one of many glam-centric styles that've cropped up.
Amid a tumultuous economy, it seems natural that people would want to project wealth in their style, fake it till you make it, so to speak.
越是在现在经济大环境不好的情况下, 大家反而想在穿着上面能够project wealth, so even if you don't have money fake it.
So what exactly is tenniscore?
Well, tenniscore style can be summed up in two words, sporty and chic.
它的两个核心词是运动风和这种带有奢华感的时髦, but honestly it's more about the chic side.
Think about heritage brands like Lacoste and new-money brands like Sporty&Rich—their clothes mimic on-court style, and some could even handle an actual match.
最近专注tenniscore的这些品牌, 他们模仿的就是这种on-court style, 实际网球运动员的着装风格.
But it's more about the elevated, old-money vibes. 但它核心依然是这种老钱的感觉和氛围.
Tennis-core is about looking like you never have to lift a finger but have had private lessons on how to wield a racket since childhood.
总体来说打造的就是一个从小就是特权阶层, 从孩子的时候可能就是在私家网球场上请了网球私教的那种感觉.
All to say you don't actually need to play tennis to take part in this trend.
While tennis dress evidently has its functional aspects, there's something so effortlessly classic and cool about the sports-luxe looks.
虽然说网球裙确实有功能性, 但是它同时又兼具了这种经典时尚的一种 sports-luxe looks, 这个叫做高奢运动风.
It is a little surprise that social media like TikTok and Instagram have latched on to it too.
Why Tenniscore is so popular?
A reason why so many average fashion conscious people, the ones that are not exactly from an elite group also started to adopt this trend.
It's because the beauty of tenniscore lies in its enduring nature and boundless versatility.
为什么有很多普通人, 就是普通的精致女孩, 可能并不是特权阶级, 但是也开始跟上了 tenniscore的网球风, 主要是因为有enduring nature and boundless versatility很百搭, 再加上它又比较经典, 不是那种转瞬即逝的风格.
A-line skirts, A字裙, polos, polo衫, neutral colors are pieces that transcend seasons and can be mixed and matched to create an abundance of clean, easy-to-wear looks.
再加上它的颜色一般比较浅或者比较中性, 这种风格就很容易搭配出来一个穿着舒适方便, 同时看起来非常清爽的一个感觉.
Chances are, if you invest in quality pieces you will still find yourself drawn to them for years to come.
How do you achieve tenniscore?
在今天的buzzword最后咱们就来稍稍分享几个, 如果你想去打造你自己的tenniscore look怎么做的小贴士.
So tenniscore is a fusion of what an actual player and a spectator would wear.
这里面有一个核心是所谓的网球风, 它不是完全和网球运动员一样的着装, 更多的是一个网球运动员和一个spectator和一个去看网球的人观赛者;
特别是像比如说温网这种一向对着装有要求的这种老牌贵族赛事, 去观赛的这些人所穿的衣服, 这样的一个mixture, so a mixture of an actual player and a spectator what they would wear.
So for women, this can be tennis skirts, pleated skorts. 对于女生来说可能是网球裙pleaded skorts是这种百褶的裙裤, and tennis bracelets网球手链.
For men, it's all about collared shirts男士一般会穿这种带领子的衬衫, crisp tailoring利落的剪裁, knitwear针织衫, and collegiate style that looks fresh out of a boarding school catalogue.以及这种私校学院风.
And about the colors of choice.
Well, part of the history of tennis is the ability of a player to keep his tennis whites clean and stain-free, so you're going to see a lot of white, cream, and tan knits and linens in the tennis-core space.
网球风一般都是一些中性浅色甚至是纯白色. 因为在传统的这种网球贵族赛事, 比如说温网, 他甚至要求网球选手纯白的着装, 而能让白色完全一尘不染, 本身就是一个老钱属性. 所以在tenniscore这个里面, 即使不是全白, 也至少是像奶油色或者浅褐色这样的非常浅的中性色.
Tennis shoes are an obvious choice for footwear, but loafers, or boat shoes are a good choice, too.
至于是鞋子的话, 网球鞋特别是纯白崭新的网球鞋当然是最佳选择. 但是像乐福鞋或者像船鞋也是可以接受的.
One very important tip if you really want to go for the tenniscore, this is a reminder for you.
It might look casual and sporty, but it isn't the space to include a street fashion vibe.
虽然这个网球风看上去好像很休闲, 甚至很运动, 但是这并不意味着它是一个街头时尚, 就像我们说了为什么管它叫老钱网球风.
This aesthetic is all about sticking to tradition其实有很多条条框框, so buy your garments in a fitted size, tuck your shirt in, button your cuffs, and lean fully into that feeling of upper-class leisure.
所以虽然是休闲, 但是是所谓的上流社会的休闲, 所以所有单品都要合体, 严丝合缝, 基本上就是一种精致的休闲.
If that is your thing, obviously. Now let's move on to the sample sentence.
Now let's move on to the sample sentence.
Sample Sentence:
-Tenniscore's rise to prominence in China owes much to increasing local interest in the sport.