【句子】Yes, but if his death has taught us anything, it's that life is short. It's dumb to play it safe. 【Desperate Housewives S2E7】
【发音技巧】but if连读+闪音;taught us连读+闪音;that life is不完全爆破+连读;play it连读;
今天我们来学习一下这个说法,play it safe,
to be careful and not take risks,在口语中it也可以被省略掉,直接说play safe也可以;
在口语中,我们也可以用just to be safe这样的短语来表达类似的意思,不过,句子成分不太一样。
eg: To play safe, I'd allow an extra ten minutes, just in case.
eg: You should play it safe and take your umbrella.
eg: If you have a cold or the flu, play it safe and go to bed.
eg: Let's play safe and get a backup in case the announced speaker gets sick.
eg: I think you should have your car looked at by a mechanic before your big road trip. Better to play it safe than end up stuck in the middle of nowhere!
Play safe—keep out of the sun in the middle of the day.