Welcome back to geek time advanced. How are you doing lulu?
Hi Brad. I'm doing fine. So are we gonna talk about aliens and pyramids?
Exactly. We talk about aliens a lot on the podcast and aliens are very interesting. And whenever there's some idea, whenever we have an idea that we don't really understand, we can easily just go to aliens.
It's so convenient, isn't it? Aliens did it. Although when I was growing up, obviously learning about pyramids, all of these great ancient architectures, we generally attribute it to the wisdom of ancient people. However, there's another way to look at it.
There are people out there who truly believe in the whole theory of aliens have something to do or had something to do with pyramids.
Mhm. Exactly.
One of the theories posits that aliens either helped people create the pyramids or forced them to create the pyramids, so they could use them as landing sites for their spacecraft.
I'm sorry, that is a bit silly. If they want to use it as a landing pad, why would they just use the ground? Why would they use the pointing stuff that is like the most... I think that is the most uncomfortable way to park your spaceship on top of the Egyptian pyramid.
What we can kind of get into it a little bit later with some of Tesla’s thoughts, but the shape might have been on purpose right? There might be a reason for the shape and so we'll come back to that a little bit later.
But a lot of people think that they might have been built by the aliens to be landing pads for their spaceships.
Yeah, but you said they either helped or forced humans. I have something to say about that. I mean, logically, why would they help humans build that? For what reason, to what end? If they forced humans, what kind of power that they could tower over human? And if they had that level of power, why wouldn't they have just taken over earth? See, this would be my logic.
There's a few theories. I think we might have talked about panspermia, but in the past, there's this idea that the aliens actually put us here. They put the humans on earth and helped us in our evolution to become to the point where we're at today. So they can use us as workers in the future.
Oh, my god! Are we just a giant ant farm for the aliens?
That's what some people believe. So the aliens it takes a long time to travel through the universe. So every time they come to earth, thousands of years might pass. And so people kind of forget that the fact that there are aliens out there; or if they do, they don't really believe because they haven't seen them in generations. And so it is a possibility.
That is just a sad possibility. That reminds me of one of the episodes in Rick and Morty, like the Miniverse. So you realize your entire universe is just someone's car factory.
Hahaha. That's possible.
They sort of like make you work, brainwash you to work, so that by working it, by paddling something, you get so called money and live and salary.
But in fact, you're just slaving away for whoever created your universe. You're just slaving away so that their car has battery.
That could be, I think it's a lot less likely, but that with the pyramids and that we actually have some sort of, I wouldn't say it's evidence, because people could have easily made the pyramids. There's videos of a man who shows possible engineering techniques that people could have used. I mean he shows how he could move a rock a huge rock by himself, just using a few simple tools made of wood and rope.
I'm very human centric.
So I still rather believe it was our ancestors, common human ancestors, that had the great wisdom, to move things, to make things, beyond we think, are their technological limitations and barriers.
Yeah. I don't know if we've talked about Atlantis before but...
Oh, we should, in the future. We haven't, but we should.
This whole idea of Atlantis that there was this ancient civilization that died out but maybe not everyone died out. Maybe some of them escaped and passed some of their knowledge on to others. And maybe that's how we got this knowledge and technology is that another human species that was a little bit more advanced gave us that knowledge.
That's another idea, but then we go back to the benevolent aliens.
Okay. But then we digress. So that's the whole theory or conspiracy theory about aliens. Maybe aliens made or at least help made or commissioned pyramids.
So you mentioned something about Tesla, Tesla had some very interesting ideas about pyramids, right?
Yeah. So he thought the pyramids were these special points that conducted energy, and that has to do kind of with their shape, and kind of the shape goes to a point at the very top, and that's where the energy was collected and could be conducted across the world.
So he thought they were on these special points.
I see. So instead of aliens build it, Tesla was saying these were your rudimentary power plants.
Basically, maybe aliens built them for a reason.
And together they form a power network.
Yeah. I mean, like Tesla’s idea doesn't discount that aliens built them. Tesla's ideas could point to the fact that maybe aliens did have them built for their spaceships, because maybe the energy that they conducted was a way to power the alien spaceships, and that's why they use them as landing sites.
So the pyramids were charging point for the alien spaceship. I see.
Exactly. I mean like if you think about current charging technology for phones, you don't have to plug your phone into something. You can just put your phone on top of a charger and it uses conductive properties to charge the battery. Right?
Wow. So it's like a contactless charging technique.
Exactly, and Tesla had these ideas. Tesla knew that these kinds of things could be done.
Well, I mean, Tesla was a fascinating character, right? His ideas were way ahead of his time.
Exactly, but I mean, so he thought that we could use the pyramids to give us all the power that we needed, we just needed to find a way to harness that power. But the more interesting thing is he thought that they could also be used for healing, like not just physical healing, but also mental and spiritual healing. He thought that the pyramids were points that if you understood how to use them properly, you could use them to heal people.
Yeah, I think this idea is really not surprising to me, especially if you think about what the ancient pyramids were used for. I mean, obviously the Egyptian ones were used as tombs and monuments, but the Mexican ones they were basically just used as a huge life, a ritualistic sacrifice, that sort of thing. There's a very obvious evident spiritual side to it.
What are inside the pyramids? Let's just stick with the Egyptian pyramids. So it was just, I don't know like the tomb, the, what's that word?
Yeah. It was the king's chambers and then the queen's chambers. And then there's a few different subterranean chambers as well and what they refer to as an escape shaft.
Escape shaft.
So it could be used to for like escaping the pyramid if you got stuck inside. Some people think it's more of like an air escape shaft, where it's just used to let in, fresh air.
I see, I see. There's still a lot of mystery about pyramids. I think. Again, it's one of those that you don't really know which are real evidence based, and which are just fantastical guesses.
Yeah, some people think that there's a lot of the inside parts of the pyramid that are being hidden from people for some reason or another. Maybe it has to do with kind of the alien aspects, or the Tesla thoughts on they could be used for, or could just be that they're just trying to keep them from being damaged by people and the public.
Yeah. But how much of what we talked about is true actually, every time when people come up with these alternative hypotheses or theories, then they will be labeled pretty much as pseudo historians, pseudo sciences supporters就会说伪科学伪历史这种。
So in English speaking world, how are people discussing these? How are people thinking about these?
There are historians who go out and do research, and they find things that don't kind of fit the model. But if they go out and they say this can't be, because they found something, like maybe for example they found erosion layers and those erosion layers say that the pyramids have to be much older than 5,000 years, right? People will say that can't possibly be.
I thought we can do carbon dating now.
Well, carbon dating works on carbon, not on rock.
But you can carbon date the stuff near it, not really…
Yeah, you can carbon date the stuff near it. But if the stuff near it was left by a much later group of people that doesn't really help us know how the pyramids actually are, because maybe the pyramids were used, and then forgotten about, and then another group of people came along, and then left their things there, and it's difficult for us to know.
Cause even if we see the rocks right, we see the rocks, we can't really carbon the rocks know when the rocks were put there, we can know how old the rocks are. But we have to use other dating methods, but that only tells us when the rock was formed, not when the rock was moved, not when the rock was cut.
Yeah. Even geological science can date, obviously the rock like you said, but you don't know how long after the rock is formed that they were using it.
Exactly, you can if there's been a lot of water, right? A lot of rain. They can look at how erosion has affected the rock, and they can use models to kind of estimate how long that stone has been there.
Some scientists are saying that maybe the pyramids were there for 12,000 years.
I see.
I mean, like we mentioned G?BEKLI TEPE earlier and they said that pyramid was there 12,000 years ago. But the whole reason they think the pyramids were only 5,000 years old was because the Egyptian, the ancient Egyptians were only there 6,000 years ago, so they felt it must have been the ancient Egyptians that created them. So it must be 5,000 years old. And their ideas only based on that, but if you look at erosion layers, the model suggests that maybe it's more older, and similar to like G?BEKLI TEPE, right? 12,000 years old.
So it's kind of difficult to know when they're actually built.
Maybe the Egyptians came along and just use them. Maybe they carved inscriptions on them, because you could come along. Sometimes you see in the news that someone went in and defaced.
You know, some ancient pottery.
Wow, that is certainly that's blowing my mind. I've never thought about it like that. That could just be a wild guess, but this is why I think archaeology is so fascinating. I guess for most people archaeology seems really far away, but the fact is in archaeology, people are constantly finding new things that challenges our existing theory and understanding of our ancestors really.
And on that note, we are going to wrap up this episode. If you have anything to say about the topic about the mystery of pyramids, leave us comment in the comment section, or you can also put down your request for some new topics that we can talk about in Geek Time. Remember anything geeky, anything mysterious, anything interesting about the world, let us know. Thank you, Brad, for coming to the show.
No problem.
We'll see you next time.
Bye everybody.