【延伸阅读朗读版已更新在公众号“Freya英语晨读”】免费领取700+期精美双语打印版讲义、加入晨读打卡学习群,微信关注“Freya英语晨读”公众号,win the morning,win the day!
Fun Facts about May Day
Among the many superstitions associated with May Day was the belief that washing the face with dew on the morning of May 1 would beautify the skin and bring good luck. We say go ahead! Walk outside and sprinkle your face with morning dew (or snow!).(本段为发音精讲部分,具体语音讲解请微信关注【Freya英语晨读公众号】)
On May 1, people in Britain welcome spring by “Bringing in the May,” or gathering cuttings of flowering trees for their homes. Kids would go barefoot on May Day for the first time. Whatever your age today, walk barefoot in the morning dew (or snow?). Encourage the kids to do the same!
What Does “Mayday!” Mean?
Here’s a fun fact: The term “Mayday!” is not related to the “May Day” spring festival, but instead comes from the French phrase “M’aidez!,” which means “Help me!” If you hear “Mayday!” repeated three times, realize that it is an urgent distress call. (To signal that you need help but are not in a life-threatening situation, repeat the phrase “Pan-pan!” three times when calling for assistance.)
【延伸阅读朗读版已更新在公众号“Freya英语晨读”】免费领取700+期精美双语打印版讲义、加入晨读打卡学习群,微信关注“Freya英语晨读”公众号,win the morning,win the day!