"We've reached the expected time of landing, but now is the process of waiting for comms and we are in standby mode."
A nervous few minutes for the mission control team at Intuitive Machines, who wait to receive communication from their lunar lander.
Intuitive Machines公司的任务控制中心团队紧张了几分钟,他们等待着从月球着陆器接收信息。
"We are checking our antenna reception."
Eventually, they have some really exciting news.
"We can confirm without a doubt, is our equipment is on the surface of the Moon, and we are transmitting.
So, congratulations IM Team. We'll see how much more we can get from that."

The lander, nicknamed Odysseus, is a history maker as it becomes the first spacecraft owned by private company to successfully land on the surface of the Moon.
The craft made the almost 239,000-mile journey into space after blasting off from Florida last Thursday.
What's more, it's the first "soft landing" on the lunar surface by the United States in over 50 years.
On board, there are six scientific instruments that will help the team study the surface at the lunar south pole, where there is thought to be craters containing frozen water.
The team at Intuitive Machines now have to wait for the first images to arrive from the spacecraft, and that is when the exploring really begins.
Intuitive Machines公司的团队现在必须等待从“奥德修斯”号传回第一批图像,而那才是探索真正开始的时候。