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来源: 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But the real hope is that this goes beyond a single species of bacteria that can eat a single kind of plastic.
  • 但(论文)真正的希望在于,这不仅仅只是发现了某一种可以啃食某种塑料的细菌。
  • Over the past half-century, microbiology -- the study of small organisms including bacteria and some fungi -- has undergone a revolution that Jo Handelsman, former president of the American Society for Microbiology, and a science adviser to the Obama White House, described to me as possibly the most significant biological advance since Darwin’s discovery of evolution.
  • 在过去五十年里,微生物学——研究包括细菌和一些真菌在内的小生物体的学科——经历了一场革命,美国微生物学会前主席、奥巴马政府的科学顾问乔·汉德尔斯曼将其描述为自达尔文发现物种进化以来最重要的生物学进步。
  • We now know that micro-organisms constitute a vast, hidden world entwined with our own. We are only beginning to grasp their variety, and their often incredible powers.
  • 我们现在知道,微生物构成了一个庞大的隐藏世界,与我们所处的世界交织在一起。我们才刚刚开始了解微生物的多样性,以及它们令人难以置信的力量。
  • Many scientists have come around to Oda’s view -- that for the host of seemingly intractable problems we are working on, microbes may have already begun to find a solution. All we need to do is look.
  • 许多科学家已经转变态度而接受了小田教授的观点——对于我们正在研究的许多看似棘手的问题,微生物可能已经找到了解决方案。我们只需要把目光投向微生物。
  • A discovery like Oda’s is only a starting point. To have any hope of mitigating this globe-spanning environmental disaster of our own making, the bacteria will have to work faster and better.
  • 像小田教授这样的发现只是一个起点。细菌要更快、更好地发挥作用,才能有望减轻这场由我们自己造成的全球性环境灾难。
  • When Oda and his group originally tested the bacteria in the lab, they placed them in a tube with a 2cm-long piece of plastic film weighing a 20th of a gram.
  • 当小田教授的团队最初在实验室测试这种细菌时,他们将细菌放置在试管中,试管里还有一块 2 厘米长、重 0.05 克的塑料薄膜。
  • Left at room temperature, they broke down the tiny bit of plastic into its precursor liquids in about seven weeks. This was very impressive and far too slow to have any meaningful impact on plastic waste at scale.
  • 在室温下,这种细菌花了约七周的时间将这一小块塑料分解成液体。这非常了不起,但速度还是太慢,无法对大规模的塑料垃圾产生任何实质性的影响。
  • Fortunately, over the past four decades, scientists have become remarkably proficient at engineering and manipulating enzymes.
  • 幸运的是,在过去的四十年里,科学家们在改造和操控酶方面已经非常精通。
  • When it comes to plastic chewing, “the Ideonella enzyme is actually very early in its evolutionary development”, says Andy Pickford, a professor of molecular biophysics at the University of Portsmouth. It is the goal of human scientists to take it the rest of the way.
  • 朴茨茅斯大学的分子生物物理学教授安迪·皮克福德表示,在啃食塑料方面,“大阪堺菌产生的酶实际上还处于进化发展的非常早期的阶段”。人类科学家的目标就是让这种酶走完剩下的路。
  • When any living organism wishes to break down a larger compound -- whether a string of DNA, or a complex sugar, or plastic -- they turn to enzymes, tiny molecular machines within a cell, specialised for that task.
  • 当任何生物体想要分解一个更大的化合物时,无论是分解DNA链、复杂的糖分子,还是塑料,它们都会求助于酶,酶是细胞内的微型分子机器,专门负责分解任务。
  • Enzymes work by helping chemical reactions happen at a microscopic scale, sometimes forcing reactive atoms closer together to bind them, or twisting complex molecules at specific points to make them weaker and more likely to break apart.
  • 酶发挥的作用是帮助化学反应在微观层面发生,有时促使反应原子互相聚集,从而使它们结合起来,有时在特定点扭曲复杂分子,使它们变得更脆弱,更容易分离。


But the real hope is that this goes beyond a single species of bacteria that can eat a single kind of plastic.


Over the past half-century, microbiology -- the study of small organisms including bacteria and some fungi -- has undergone a revolution that Jo Handelsman, former president of the American Society for Microbiology, and a science adviser to the Obama White House, described to me as possibly the most significant biological advance since Darwin’s discovery of evolution.


We now know that micro-organisms constitute a vast, hidden world entwined with our own. We are only beginning to grasp their variety, and their often incredible powers.


Many scientists have come around to Oda’s view -- that for the host of seemingly intractable problems we are working on, microbes may have already begun to find a solution. All we need to do is look.


A discovery like Oda’s is only a starting point. To have any hope of mitigating this globe-spanning environmental disaster of our own making, the bacteria will have to work faster and better.


When Oda and his group originally tested the bacteria in the lab, they placed them in a tube with a 2cm-long piece of plastic film weighing a 20th of a gram.

当小田教授的团队最初在实验室测试这种细菌时,他们将细菌放置在试管中,试管里还有一块 2 厘米长、重 0.05 克的塑料薄膜。

Left at room temperature, they broke down the tiny bit of plastic into its precursor liquids in about seven weeks. This was very impressive and far too slow to have any meaningful impact on plastic waste at scale.


Fortunately, over the past four decades, scientists have become remarkably proficient at engineering and manipulating enzymes.


When it comes to plastic chewing, “the Ideonella enzyme is actually very early in its evolutionary development”, says Andy Pickford, a professor of molecular biophysics at the University of Portsmouth. It is the goal of human scientists to take it the rest of the way.


When any living organism wishes to break down a larger compound -- whether a string of DNA, or a complex sugar, or plastic -- they turn to enzymes, tiny molecular machines within a cell, specialised for that task.


Enzymes work by helping chemical reactions happen at a microscopic scale, sometimes forcing reactive atoms closer together to bind them, or twisting complex molecules at specific points to make them weaker and more likely to break apart.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

precursor [pri:'kə:sə]


n. 先驱者,前辈,前体

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

proficient [prə'fiʃənt]


adj. 熟练的,精通的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

reactive [ri'æktiv]


adj. 反应的,反作用的,反动的

microscopic ['maikrə'skɔpik]


adj. 显微镜的,极小的,微观的





