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第三十二章 第二天晚上(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Book 2, Chapter 32.


“At the court of the Tuileries," said Mr. Sillerton Jackson with his reminiscent smile, "such things were pretty openly tolerated."


The scene was the van der Luydens' black walnut dining-room in Madison Avenue, and the time the evening after Newland Archer's visit to the Museum of Art.


Mr. and Mrs. van der Luyden had come to town for a few days from Skuytercliff, whither they had precipitately fled at the announcement of Beaufort's failure.


It had been represented to them that the disarray into which society had been thrown by this deplorable affair made their presence in town more necessary than ever.


It was one of the occasions when, as Mrs. Archer put it, they "owed it to society" to show themselves at the Opera, and even to open their own doors.


"It will never do, my dear Louisa, to let people like Mrs. Lemuel Struthers think they can step into Regina's shoes.


It is just at such times that new people push in and get a footing.


It was owing to the epidemic of chicken-pox in New York the winter Mrs. Struthers first appeared that the married men slipped away to her house while their wives were in the nursery.


You and dear Henry, Louisa, must stand in the breach as you always have."


Mr. and Mrs. van der Luyden could not remain deaf to such a call, and reluctantly but heroically they had come to town, unmuffled the house, and sent out invitations for two dinners and an evening reception.


On this particular evening they had invited Sillerton Jackson, Mrs. Archer and Newland and his wife to go with them to the Opera, where Faust was being sung for the first time that winter.


Nothing was done without ceremony under the van der Luyden roof, and though there were but four guests the repast had begun at seven punctually, so that the proper sequence of courses might be served without haste before the gentlemen settled down to their cigars.


Archer had not seen his wife since the evening before. He had left early for the office, where he had plunged into an accumulation of unimportant business.


In the afternoon one of the senior partners had made an unexpected call on his time; and he had reached home so late that May had preceded him to the van der Luydens', and sent back the carriage.


Now, across the Skuytercliff carnations and the massive plate, she struck him as pale and languid; but her eyes shone, and she talked with exaggerated animation.


The subject which had called forth Mr. Sillerton Jackson's favourite allusion had been brought up Archer fancied not without intention by their hostess.


The Beaufort failure, or rather the Beaufort attitude since the failure, was still a fruitful theme for the drawing- room moralist; and after it had been thoroughly examined and condemned Mrs. van der Luyden had turned her scrupulous eyes on May Archer.


"Is it possible, dear, that what I hear is true?


I was told your grandmother Mingott's carriage was seen standing at Mrs. Beaufort's door."


It was noticeable that she no longer called the offending lady by her Christian name.


May's colour rose, and Mrs. Archer put in hastily: "If it was, I'm convinced it was there without Mrs. Mingott's knowledge."


"Ah, you think--?" Mrs. van der Luyden paused, sighed, and glanced at her husband.


"I'm afraid," Mr. van der Luyden said,


"that Madame Olenska's kind heart may have led her into the imprudence of calling on Mrs. Beaufort."


"Or her taste for peculiar people," put in Mrs. Archer in a dry tone, while her eyes dwelt innocently on her son's.


"I'm sorry to think it of Madame Olenska," said Mrs. van der Luyden; and Mrs. Archer murmured: "Ah, my dear--and after you'd had her twice at Skuytercliff!"


It was at this point that Mr. Jackson seized the chance to place his favourite allusion.


"At the Tuileries," he repeated, seeing the eyes of the company expectantly turned on him, "the standard was excessively lax in some respects; and if you'd asked where Morny's money came from--! Or who paid the debts of some of the Court beauties..."


"I hope, dear Sillerton," said Mrs. Archer, "you are not suggesting that we should adopt such standards?"


"I never suggest," returned Mr. Jackson imperturbably.


"But Madame Olenska's foreign bringing-up may make her less particular--"


"Ah," the two elder ladies sighed.


"Still, to have kept her grandmother's carriage at a defaulter's door!" Mr. van der Luyden protested; and Archer guessed that he was remembering, and resenting, the hampers of carnations he had sent to the little house in Twenty-third Street.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

excessively [ik'sesivli]


adv. 过分地,过度地,非常地

deplorable [di'plɔ:rəbl]


adj. 可叹的;凄惨的

breach [bri:tʃ]


n. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂

allusion [ə'lu:ʒən]


n. 暗指,暗示



adv. 嫌恶地;不情愿地

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

exaggerated [ig'zædʒəreitid]


adj. 言过其辞的,夸大的 动词exaggerate的

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的





