Andy Pickford, the professor at Portsmouth, is familiar with the limitations, but thinks many good targets still exist.
“Nylon is tough but doable,” he says. “Polyurethanes, also doable.”
The scientists at Carbios agree, predicting that they will have a process to recycle nylon within a few years.
If those predictions come to pass, about a quarter of all plastics would become truly recyclable; if there turns out to be an enzyme match for all the plastics that are theoretically susceptible to being broken down, just under half of all plastic waste could be on the table.
如果这些预测成真,大约四分之一的塑料将真正实现可回收; 如果所有理论上易降解的塑料都能找到相匹配的酶,那近一半的塑料垃圾都可能被回收利用。
Even so, what most scientists are working towards is a world in which enzymes are set to work turning old plastic into new plastic.
This is frustratingly limited in scope.
It makes economic sense – but it is still producing plastic, and using energy to do so.
And while recycling may slow down new plastic production, it won’t help us claw back the unfathomable amount of plastic that we have already released into the world, much of which remains too widespread, difficult and dirty to recapture.
No one has yet found a microbe that can truly transform an untreated piece of plastic in the way they transform organic matter: starting with a pile of carbon – say, a human body – and leaving nothing but the indigestible skeletal bits within a year or so.
When scientists find plastic-eating microbes on bottles at the dump, or on rafts of rubbish in the ocean, the best these microbes can do is a kind of light gnawing.
Like a teething baby, they aren’t going to have much effect on anything that isn’t softened and spoon-fed to them.
But microbes do have the ability to nullify some of the planet’s most noxious toxins, cleansing entire landscapes in the process.
This works best on chemicals that have been present on earth for millions of years, allowing microbes to develop a taste for them.
When the Exxon Valdez dumped 41m litres of oil into the Gulf of Alaska in 1989, coverage of the cleanup focused on images of environmentalists scrubbing oil-sodden seals and puffins.
But much of the actual oil removal was accomplished by bacteria that naturally feed on crude oil.