You know, I wrote a column about girl math, and it's kind of like...
Like girl dinner, that whole thing?
Exactly right. And I know a lot of people get a little mad about that because, "oh, that's sexist. You know, boys aren't necessarily great with math either."
And it is true. But I think it's kind of a fun way for people to say, "Listen, I do these calculations in my head and it makes no sense."
Like, you know, if I buy something, take it back to the store and get, you know, a refund, but I buy something less then somehow I've made out, you know?
But it's like you said. You don't save when you spend.
That's exactly right. So you got to be careful of that girl and boy math that makes you feel like you're saving when you're really not, or that you figured a way around your money management when you really haven't.
It's the things that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better when we know we really are overspending.
So, Michelle, what kind of holiday shopper are you? Now that you've identified these five categories.
米歇尔,你是什么类型的假日购物者? 现在你已经确定了五种类型。
You know, that's so interesting, I think I'm going to be -- I'm going to confess I'm probably a last-minute shopper.
I know, right? But mostly because I hate shopping. So I put it off to the last minute.
But I have a budget, I have a list, and I go through it, and I calculate it, and I make sure that I stay within the budget.
Even my husband and I, we don't really have a lot of surprises with each other.
So we'll say, "Okay, you can spend this amount of money" because I don't like him to spend a lot of money on me.
And so if he gave me like a tennis bracelet or something, he's going to get a fussing about that.
It's like, "What?! You spent what on me?!"
我会说:“什么?! 你在我身上花了多少钱?!”
But I unfortunately, am kind of out there with the crowds because I try to wait till the last minute because I just, you know, I don't like all the commotion.
I love the stores. They're pretty and, you know, all the holiday decorations, but I just hate spending. I love saving.
Yeah, well, maybe I'll see you in line at 4:00 a.m.
Hi. I'm jumping in with a little holiday magic content warning here.
Michelle and I are about to discuss Santa Claus.