"And in five days more we were insight of Muil, which, as you know, is the westernmost of the Seven Isles.
"又过了五天, 我们看到了米尔岛, 正如你所知, 它是七岛中最西边的一个小岛。
Then we rowed through the straits and came about sundown into Redhaven on the isle of Brenn, where we were very lovingly feasted and had victuals and water at will.
然后我们划出海峡, 傍晚的时候到了布伦岛上的红港。当地人盛情款待了我们, 食物和水想加多少就加多少。
We left Redhaven six days ago and have made marvellously good speed, so that I hope to see the Lone Islands the day after tomorrow.
六天前我们离开了红港, 一路上出奇的顺利, 我们估计后天就能到孤独群岛了。
The sum is, we are now nearly thirty days at sea and have sailed more than four hundred leagues from Narnia. "
总的来说, 我们已经出海将近三十天, 已经远离纳尼亚四百多海里了。
"And after the Lone Islands ?"said Lucy.
"No one knows, your Majesty, "answered Drinian. "Unless the Lone Islanders themselves can tell us. "
"现在还不好说, 陛下, "德里宁说, "除非岛上有人告诉我们。"
"They couldn't in our days, "said Edmund.
"Then, "said Reepicheep, "it is after the Lone Islands that the adventure really begins. "
"那么说来, "雷佩契普说, "到了群岛之后, 探险才算是真正的开始呢。"
Caspian now suggested that they might like to be shown over the ship before supper, but Lucy's conscience smote her and she said, "I think I really must go and see Eustace.
凯斯宾提议大家先在船上参观一下, 再吃晚饭, 可是露茜心里一直有小小的牵挂。她说, "我想去看看尤斯塔斯
Seasickness is horrid, you know. If I had my old cordial with me I could cure him. "
他晕船晕得厉害, 如果我现在还有原来随身携带的药瓶, 就可以治好他。"
"But you have, "said Caspian. "I'd quite forgotten about it.
"药还有, "凯斯宾说, "我差点忘了。
As you left it behind I thought it might be regarded as one of the royal treasures and so I brought it--if you think it ought to be wasted on a thing like seasickness. "
当初你走的时候留下这药, 我想着, 不妨把这药当成一件王室宝贝, 所以我一直随身携带----如果你想在晕船这个小毛病上把它浪费掉的话, 你就用吧。"
"It'll only take a drop, "said Lucy.
Caspian opened one of the lockers beneath the bench and brought out the beautiful little diamond flask which Lucy remembered so well.
凯斯宾打开凳子下面的一个储物箱, 取出露茜给他的那个小钻石药瓶, 她对这个再熟悉不过了。
"Take back your own, Queen, "he said. They then left the cabin and went out into the sunshine.
他说:"我亲爱的女王, 你的宝贝还给你。"于是他们离开舱房, 走到阳光下。
In the deck there were two large, long hatches, fore and aft of the mast, and both open, as they always were in fair weather, to let light and air into the belly of the ship.
"甲板上有两个敞开的舱口盖, 又大又长。晴天的时候, 水手们总是把它们打开, 用来通风和采光。
Caspian led them down a ladder into the after hatch.
凯斯宾带他们走到梯子下面, 进入后面的舱口。
Here they found themselves in a place where benches for rowing ran from side to side and the light came in through the oarholes and danced on the roof.
他们这才发现, 原来左右两边都有划桨的长凳, 阳光透过桨孔照进来, 在舱顶上闪烁不定。
Of course Caspian's ship was not that horrible thing, a galley rowed by slaves.
凯斯宾的船不是由奴隶划桨的, 也没有单层甲板大帆船那种可怕的东西。
Oars were used only when wind failed or for getting in and out of harbour and everyone(except Reepicheep whose legs were too short)had often taken a turn.
在没风或者进出港口的时候, 船桨才会被用到。除了个头矮小的雷佩契普之外, 其他人都要轮流划桨。
At each side of the ship the space under the benches was left clear for the rowers' feet, but all down the center there was a kind of pit which went down to the very keel and this was filled with all kinds of things--sacks of flour, casks of water and beer, barrels of pork, jars of honey, skin bottles of wine, apples, nuts, cheeses, biscuits, turnips, sides of bacon.
船两边的长凳下都有空地方供划船的人搁脚, 中间部分有个深窖, 一直通向龙骨处, 里面堆满了各种东西, 比如很多袋的面粉, 很多桶水, 很多块猪肉, 很多罐蜂蜜, 还有很多装满酒的皮囊, 以及苹果、坚果、奶酪、饼干、大头菜和熏肉。
From the roof--that is, from the under side of the deck--hung hams and strings of onions, and also the men of the watch off--duty in their hammocks.
舱顶, 也就是甲板下面, 挂着很多火腿和成捆成捆的大葱。当然, 还有个值班人员下班后在里面的吊床上休息。