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  • "At last I saw a vacancy at Mawson & Williams's, the great stockbroking firm in Lombard Street.
  • "我终于听说龙巴德街的一家大证券商行--莫森和威廉斯商行有一个空缺。
  • I dare say E. C. is not much in your line, but I can tell you that this is about the richest house in London.
  • 我斗胆说,你对伦敦东部中央邮政区的情况可能不太熟悉,可是我可以告诉你,这是伦敦一家最富的商行。
  • The advertisement was to be answered by letter only. I sent in my testimonial and application, but without the least hope of getting it.
  • 那家公司规定,只能通过信函应征它的招聘广告。我把我的鉴定书和申请书都寄了去,可是并不抱多大希望。
  • Back came an answer by return, saying that if I would appear next Monday I might take over my new duties at once, provided that my appearance was satisfactory.
  • 不料突然接到了回信,信中说,如果我下星期一到那里,而我的外表符合要求的话,我立即可以就任新职。
  • No one knows how these things are worked.
  • 谁也不知道人家是怎么挑选的。
  • Some people say that the manager just plunges his hand into the heap and takes the first that comes.
  • 有人说,这是经理把手伸到一堆申请书里,随手拣起了一份。
  • Anyhow it was my innings that time, and I don't ever wish to feel better pleased.
  • 不管怎么说,这次是我走运,而我从来也没有像这样高兴过。
  • The screw was a pound a week rise, and the duties just about the same as at Coxon's.
  • 薪水开始是一星期一镑,职务和我在考克森商行一样。
  • And now I come to the queer part of the business. I was in diggings out Hampstead way, 17 Potter's Terrace.
  • 现在我就要说到这件事的古怪之处了。我住在汉普斯特德附近波特巷17号的一个寓所。
  • Well, I was sitting doing a smoke that very evening after I had been promised the appointment,
  • 对了,就在得到任用通知的那天晚上,我正坐在那里吸烟,
  • when up came my landlady with a card which had 'Arthur Pinner, Financial Agent,' printed upon it.
  • 房东太太拿着一张名片进屋来,名片上面印着'财政经理人阿瑟·平纳'。
  • I had never heard the name before and could not imagine what he wanted with me, but of course I asked her to show him up.
  • 我从来未听说过这个人的名字,更想不出他找我干什么。可是我当然还是让她把那人请进来。
  • In he walked, a middle-sized, dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-bearded man, with a touch of the sheeny about his nose.
  • 进来的人是中等身材,黑发,黑眼,黑胡须,鼻子有点发亮。
  • He had a brisk kind of way with him and spoke sharply, like a man who knew the value of time.
  • 他走路轻快,说话急促,仿佛是一个珍惜时间的人。
  • 'Mr. Hall Pycroft, I believe?' said he.
  • '我想,你是霍尔·派克罗夫特先生吧?'他问道。
  • 'Yes, sir,' I answered, pushing a chair towards him.
  • '是的,先生,'我回答道,同时拉过一把椅子给他。
  • 'Lately engaged at Coxon & Woodhouse's?'
  • '以前是在考克森和伍德豪斯商行做事吗?'
  • 'Yes, sir.'
  • '是的,先生。'
  • 'And now on the staff of Mawson's.'
  • '是莫森商行新录用的书记员吗?'
  • 'Quite so.'
  • '正是这样。'
  • 'Well,' said he, 'the fact is that I have heard some really extraordinary stories about your financial ability.
  • '啊,'他说道,'事情是这样的,我听说你在理财方面很有才干,有许多不凡的事迹。
  • You remember Parker, who used to be Coxon's manager. He can never say enough about it.'
  • 你记得考克森的经理帕克吧,他对你总是赞不绝口的。'
  • Of course I was pleased to hear this.
  • 听他这么说,我当然高兴了。
  • I had always been pretty sharp in the office, but I had never dreamed that I was talked about in the City in this fashion.
  • 我在业务上一向精明能干,可从做梦也没想到城里竟有人这样称赞我。
  • 'You have a good memory?' said he.
  • '你的记忆力很好吗?'他说道。
  • 'Pretty fair,' I answered modestly.
  • '还算不错,'我谦恭地回答道。
  • 'Have you kept in touch with the market while you have been out ofwork?' he asked.
  • '你失业以后,对商情还留意吗?'他问道。
  • 'Yes. I read the stock-exchange list every morning.'
  • '是的。我每天早上都要看证券交易所的牌价表。'
  • 'Now that shows real application!' he cried. 'That is the way to prosper! You won't mind my testing you, will you? Let me see. How are Ayrshires?'
  • '真下功夫啊!'他大声喊道,'这才是生财之道呢!你不反对我来测验你一下吧?请问埃尔郡股票牌价是多少?'
  • 'A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seveneighths.'
  • '一百零六镑五先令至一百零五镑十七先令半。'
  • 'And New Zealand consolidated?'
  • '新西兰统一公债呢?'
  • 'A hundred and four.'
  • '一百零四镑。'
  • 'And British Broken Hills?'
  • '英国布罗肯·希尔恩股起呢?'
  • 'Seven to seven-and-six.'
  • '七镑至七镑六先令。'
  • 'Wonderful!' he cried with his hands up. 'This quite fits in with all that I had heard.
  • '太好了!'他举起双手欢呼道,'这完全符合我知道的行情。
  • My boy, my boy, you are very much too good to be a clerk at Mawson's!'
  • 我的朋友,我的朋友,你到莫森商行去当书记员太屈才了!'
  • This outburst rather astonished me, as you can think."
  • 你想想,他这样狂喜多么使我感到惊奇。"


"At last I saw a vacancy at Mawson & Williams's, the great stockbroking firm in Lombard Street.

I dare say E. C. is not much in your line, but I can tell you that this is about the richest house in London.
The advertisement was to be answered by letter only. I sent in my testimonial and application, but without the least hope of getting it.
Back came an answer by return, saying that if I would appear next Monday I might take over my new duties at once, provided that my appearance was satisfactory.
No one knows how these things are worked.
Some people say that the manager just plunges his hand into the heap and takes the first that comes.
Anyhow it was my innings that time, and I don't ever wish to feel better pleased.
The screw was a pound a week rise, and the duties just about the same as at Coxon's.
And now I come to the queer part of the business. I was in diggings out Hampstead way, 17 Potter's Terrace.
Well, I was sitting doing a smoke that very evening after I had been promised the appointment,
when up came my landlady with a card which had 'Arthur Pinner, Financial Agent,' printed upon it.
I had never heard the name before and could not imagine what he wanted with me, but of course I asked her to show him up.
In he walked, a middle-sized, dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-bearded man, with a touch of the sheeny about his nose.
He had a brisk kind of way with him and spoke sharply, like a man who knew the value of time.
'Mr. Hall Pycroft, I believe?' said he.
'Yes, sir,' I answered, pushing a chair towards him.
'Lately engaged at Coxon & Woodhouse's?'


'Yes, sir.'

'And now on the staff of Mawson's.'
'Quite so.'
'Well,' said he, 'the fact is that I have heard some really extraordinary stories about your financial ability.
You remember Parker, who used to be Coxon's manager. He can never say enough about it.'
Of course I was pleased to hear this.
I had always been pretty sharp in the office, but I had never dreamed that I was talked about in the City in this fashion.
'You have a good memory?' said he.
'Pretty fair,' I answered modestly.
'Have you kept in touch with the market while you have been out ofwork?' he asked.
'Yes. I read the stock-exchange list every morning.'
'Now that shows real application!' he cried. 'That is the way to prosper! You won't mind my testing you, will you? Let me see. How are Ayrshires?'
'A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seveneighths.'
'And New Zealand consolidated?'
'A hundred and four.'
'And British Broken Hills?'
'Seven to seven-and-six.'
'Wonderful!' he cried with his hands up. 'This quite fits in with all that I had heard.
My boy, my boy, you are very much too good to be a clerk at Mawson's!'
This outburst rather astonished me, as you can think."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

testimonial [.testi'məunjəl]


n. 证明书,奖状,奖品,表扬信,感谢信 adj. 证明

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

brisk [brisk]


adj. 敏锐的,凛冽的
adj. 活泼的,活

screw [skru:]


n. 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,螺状物

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

prosper ['prɔspə]


vi. 繁盛,成功,兴旺

modestly ['mɔdistli]


adv. 谨慎地,适当地,谦虚地

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序





