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  • The world this week--Politics
  • 本周国际要闻--政治
  • Israeli ground forces pushed deeper into Gaza to attack Hamas militants.
  • 以色列地面部队深入加沙,攻击哈马斯激进分子。
  • The Israelis said they killed one of the leaders of the October 7th terrorist attack and a number of other Hamas men in an air strike on Jabalia, north of Gaza city; the Hamas-run authorities said scores of civilians had died.
  • 以色列表示,他们在对加沙北部城市贾巴利亚的空袭中,击毙了10月7日实施恐怖袭击的一名领导人以及其他一些哈马斯成员。哈马斯当局称共造成数十名平民死亡。
  • One of the 240 hostages held by Hamas, a female soldier, was rescued by the Israelis.
  • 在被哈马斯劫持的240名人质中,一名女兵被以色列人解救。
  • Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, rejected calls for a ceasefire.
  • 以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡拒绝了停火呼吁。
  • He said people who are calling for one are asking Israel “to surrender to barbarism”.
  • 他表示,呼吁停火的人是在要求以色列“向野蛮投降”。
  • The humanitarian crisis continued to build in Gaza.
  • 加沙的人道主义危机继续加剧。
  • The death toll among Palestinians now exceeds 8,000, according to the authorities in the enclave.
  • 据这块飞地(加沙)的当局称,巴勒斯坦死亡人数现已超过8000人。
  • Some 1.4m people have been displaced. Shelters are overflowing.
  • 约有140万人流离失所。避难所挤满了人。
  • More aid lorries were allowed in, though their number still fell far short of the 500 a day that had been entering the area before the war started.
  • 更多的救援卡车被允许进入,尽管数量仍远低于战争开始前每天进入该地区的500辆。
  • The first trickle of civilians left Gaza through the Rafah border crossing into Egypt under a deal negotiated by Qatar.
  • 根据卡塔尔谈判达成的协议,第一批平民可以通过拉法过境点离开加沙进入埃及。
  • Only foreign nationals and the severely wounded are being allowed to leave.
  • 只有外国公民和重伤者才被允许离开。
  • Israel sent missile boats to the Red Sea to head off potential strikes from Yemen, where the Houthi militia claimed to have launched rockets and drones at Israel.
  • 以色列向红海派遣了导弹艇,以阻止来自也门的潜在袭击。也门胡塞武装声称向以色列发射了火箭弹和无人机。
  • The Israeli army said it had intercepted an “aerial threat”.
  • 以色列军方表示,他们拦截了一个“空中威胁”。
  • The Houthis are backed by Iran and control large parts of Yemen, including the capital, Sana’a.
  • 胡塞武装的支持者是伊朗,这个组织控制着也门的大部分地区,包括首都萨那。
  • India’s government said it would explore all legal options to help secure the release of eight Indian nationals who have been sentenced to death in Qatar for spying for Israel.
  • 印度政府称,将探索一切法律途径帮助确保八名印度公民获释。这八名印度人因在卡塔尔为以色列从事间谍活动而被判处死刑。
  • The eight men formerly served in the Indian navy.
  • 这八人曾在印度海军服役。
  • An antisemitic mob attacked the main airport in Dagestan, a mostly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus.
  • 一群反犹暴徒袭击了达吉斯坦的主要机场,达吉斯坦是北高加索地区一个以穆斯林为主的俄罗斯共和国。
  • Hundreds of men swarmed the area looking for Jewish passengers who had arrived on a flight from Tel Aviv.
  • 数百人聚集在该地区,寻找从特拉维夫乘飞机抵达该地的犹太乘客。
  • Scores of them were arrested after they clashed with police.
  • 其中数十人在与警方发生冲突后被捕。
  • Attacks on Jewish people and symbols around the world have risen markedly.
  • 世界各地对犹太人及其标志的攻击明显增加。
  • According to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organisation in New York, antisemitic incidents rose in America by 388% between October 7th and 23rd compared with the same period last year.
  • 根据“反诽谤联盟”(一个位于纽约的犹太人组织)的数据,10月7日至23日期间,美国的反犹太事件与去年同期相比上升了388%。
  • Britain saw an increase of 689% over three weeks, according to the Community Security Trust, another Jewish group.
  • 根据另一个犹太组织“社区安全信托”的数据,英国的反犹太事件在三周内增加了689%。
  • Attacks on Muslims have also increased.
  • 针对穆斯林的袭击也有所增加。
  • Republicans in America’s House of Representatives introduced their own bill for $14.3bn in emergency aid to Israel, setting up a clash with the White House.
  • 美国众议院共和党人提出了他们自己的法案,要求向以色列提供143亿美元的紧急援助,这引发了与白宫的冲突。
  • The Republican bill hives off money for Israel from a wider package put forward by Joe Biden that includes extra funding for Ukraine.
  • 共和党的这个法案将把援助以色列的资金从乔·拜登提出的更广泛的一揽子计划中剥离出来,这个一揽子计划还包括向乌克兰提供额外资金。
  • It offsets this by cutting $14.3bn that has been allocated for the Internal Revenue Service under the Inflation Reduction Act, Mr Biden’s signature bill.
  • 通过削减根据《通胀削减法案》分配给美国国税局的143亿美元的拨款来抵消这笔支出。《通胀削减法案》是拜登的标志性法案。


The world this week--Politics


Israeli ground forces pushed deeper into Gaza to attack Hamas militants.


The Israelis said they killed one of the leaders of the October 7th terrorist attack and a number of other Hamas men in an air strike on Jabalia, north of Gaza city; the Hamas-run authorities said scores of civilians had died.


One of the 240 hostages held by Hamas, a female soldier, was rescued by the Israelis.


Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, rejected calls for a ceasefire.


He said people who are calling for one are asking Israel “to surrender to barbarism”.


The humanitarian crisis continued to build in Gaza.


The death toll among Palestinians now exceeds 8,000, according to the authorities in the enclave.


Some 1.4m people have been displaced. Shelters are overflowing.


More aid lorries were allowed in, though their number still fell far short of the 500 a day that had been entering the area before the war started.


The first trickle of civilians left Gaza through the Rafah border crossing into Egypt under a deal negotiated by Qatar.


Only foreign nationals and the severely wounded are being allowed to leave.


Israel sent missile boats to the Red Sea to head off potential strikes from Yemen, where the Houthi militia claimed to have launched rockets and drones at Israel.


The Israeli army said it had intercepted an “aerial threat”.


The Houthis are backed by Iran and control large parts of Yemen, including the capital, Sana’a.


India’s government said it would explore all legal options to help secure the release of eight Indian nationals who have been sentenced to death in Qatar for spying for Israel.


The eight men formerly served in the Indian navy.


An antisemitic mob attacked the main airport in Dagestan, a mostly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus.


Hundreds of men swarmed the area looking for Jewish passengers who had arrived on a flight from Tel Aviv.


Scores of them were arrested after they clashed with police.


Attacks on Jewish people and symbols around the world have risen markedly.


According to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organisation in New York, antisemitic incidents rose in America by 388% between October 7th and 23rd compared with the same period last year.


Britain saw an increase of 689% over three weeks, according to the Community Security Trust, another Jewish group.


Attacks on Muslims have also increased.


Republicans in America’s House of Representatives introduced their own bill for $14.3bn in emergency aid to Israel, setting up a clash with the White House.


The Republican bill hives off money for Israel from a wider package put forward by Joe Biden that includes extra funding for Ukraine.


It offsets this by cutting $14.3bn that has been allocated for the Internal Revenue Service under the Inflation Reduction Act, Mr Biden’s signature bill.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

surrender [sə'rendə]


v. 投降,让与,屈服
n. 投降,屈服,放弃

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

clash [klæʃ]


n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触
vt. 冲突,抵触,

reduction [ri'dʌkʃən]


n. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

militia [mi'liʃə]


n. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军





