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  • The world this week--Politics
  • 本周国际要闻--政治
  • Joe Biden’s trip to Israel to lend support after the terrorist attack by Hamas was overshadowed by a blast at a hospital in Gaza, which the Palestinians said killed hundreds of people.
  • 乔·拜登在哈马斯发动恐怖袭击后前往以色列提供支持的行程,因加沙一家医院发生爆炸而蒙上阴影。巴勒斯坦人称医院爆炸造成数百人死亡。
  • America and Israel pointed to intelligence that suggests the explosion was caused by a missile launched by Islamic Jihad, another militant group, that misfired, falling in the hospital’s car park.
  • 美国和以色列指出,情报显示爆炸是由另一个激进组织伊斯兰圣战组织发射的一枚导弹引起的。这枚导弹发射失败,落在了医院的停车场。
  • Hamas and many Arab countries said an Israeli strike was to blame.
  • 哈马斯和许多阿拉伯国家表示,以色列袭击造成了医院爆炸。
  • The incident triggered outrage in the Arab world, leading Jordan to cancel a summit between Mr Biden and the leaders of Jordan and Egypt and Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority.
  • 这一事件引发了阿拉伯世界的愤怒,导致约旦取消了拜登(美国领导人)、约旦、埃及领导人与巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席马哈茂德·阿巴斯间的四方峰会。
  • The humanitarian situation worsened in Gaza, where about 3,500 people have been killed, according to the Palestinians, amid Israel’s retaliation for the Hamas attack.
  • 加沙的人道主义局势恶化,据巴勒斯坦人说,在以色列对哈马斯袭击的报复中,大约有3500人被杀害。
  • Under mounting international pressure, Israel will allow food, water and medicine to cross from Egypt to southern Gaza, where the population has moved to take shelter.
  • 在不断增加的国际压力下,以色列将会允许水、食物和药品从埃及过境到加沙南部,居民已经转移到加沙南部避难。
  • King Abdullah of Jordan warned that the “region is on the brink of falling into the abyss”, but was adamant that his country and Egypt would not accept refugees.
  • 约旦国王阿卜杜拉警告称,“该地区正处于坠入深渊的边缘”,但他坚称他的国家和埃及都不会接受难民。
  • Israel’s ground troops were poised to enter Gaza.
  • 以色列地面部队准备进入加沙。
  • They have been held back in part because of fears that Hizbullah, a powerful militia based in Lebanon, will launch a big assault across the border into northern Israel at the moment when Israeli soldiers are focused on Gaza.
  • 他们之所以迟迟不行动,部分原因是担心黎巴嫩强大的民兵组织真主党在以色列士兵集中在加沙地带之际,越过边界向以色列北部发动大规模袭击。
  • Hizbullah is backed by Iran, which has warned that an “axis” of militias is ready to open “multiple fronts” against Israel.
  • 真主党的支持者是伊朗。伊朗警告称,一个民兵组织“轴心”准备开辟对抗以色列的“多条战线”。
  • The French government put the country on the highest state of alert after an Islamist extremist stabbed a teacher to death.
  • 法国政府在一名伊斯兰极端分子刺死一名教师后将国家设置为最高警戒状态。
  • Soldiers were drafted in to boost security and all pro-Palestinian demonstrations were banned.
  • 法国征召军队加强安全,禁止所有支持巴勒斯坦的示威活动。
  • In Brussels a supporter of Islamic State shot dead two Swedish nationals.
  • 在布鲁塞尔,一名伊斯兰国支持者枪杀了两名瑞典公民。
  • In Illinois a six-year-old boy died after being stabbed 26 times by his mother’s landlord. The mother was wounded.
  • 在伊利诺伊州,一名6岁男孩被捅26刀后身亡。行凶者是男孩母亲的房东。男孩的母亲也负了伤。
  • Police say they were targeted because they were Muslim.
  • 警方表示,他们之所以成为袭击目标是因为他们是穆斯林。
  • Anti-Semitic incidents and “celebrations” of the attack by Hamas were reported throughout Europe.
  • 整个欧洲都报道了反犹太事件以及哈马斯袭击的“庆祝活动”。
  • London’s police force reported a big rise in assaults on Jewish targets.
  • 伦敦警方报告称,针对犹太人的袭击事件大幅增加。
  • Rishi Sunak, the British prime minister, reminded people that showing support for the terrorist group could be punishable by a prison sentence.
  • 英国首相里希·苏纳克提醒人们,对恐怖组织表示支持可能会被判入狱。
  • In Poland the liberal Civic Coalition and its allies won enough seats at an election to form a majority in parliament, heralding a big shift in government.
  • 在波兰,自由派公民联盟及其盟友在选举中赢得了足够的席位,在议会中形成多数席位,预示着波兰政府的重大转变。
  • The conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, a thorn in the EU’s side since gaining power in 2015, came first but will struggle to rule, even with the support of a far-right party.
  • 保守派法律与公正党(PiS)自2015年掌权以来一直是欧盟的眼中钉。法律与公正党在选举中排名第一,但即使有极右翼政党的支持,该党也很难执政。


The world this week--Politics


Joe Bidens trip to Israel to lend support after the terrorist attack by Hamas was overshadowed by a blast at a hospital in Gaza, which the Palestinians said killed hundreds of people.


America and Israel pointed to intelligence that suggests the explosion was caused by a missile launched by Islamic Jihad, another militant group, that misfired, falling in the hospitals car park.


Hamas and many Arab countries said an Israeli strike was to blame.


The incident triggered outrage in the Arab world, leading Jordan to cancel a summit between Mr Biden and the leaders of Jordan and Egypt and Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority.


The humanitarian situation worsened in Gaza, where about 3,500 people have been killed, according to the Palestinians, amid Israels retaliation for the Hamas attack.


Under mounting international pressure, Israel will allow food, water and medicine to cross from Egypt to southern Gaza, where the population has moved to take shelter.


King Abdullah of Jordan warned that theregion is on the brink of falling into the abyss”, but was adamant that his country and Egypt would not accept refugees.


Israels ground troops were poised to enter Gaza.


They have been held back in part because of fears that Hizbullah, a powerful militia based in Lebanon, will launch a big assault across the border into northern Israel at the moment when Israeli soldiers are focused on Gaza.


Hizbullah is backed by Iran, which has warned that anaxisof militias is ready to openmultiple frontsagainst Israel.


The French government put the country on the highest state of alert after an Islamist extremist stabbed a teacher to death.


Soldiers were drafted in to boost security and all pro-Palestinian demonstrations were banned.


In Brussels a supporter of Islamic State shot dead two Swedish nationals.


In Illinois a six-year-old boy died after being stabbed 26 times by his mothers landlord. The mother was wounded.


Police say they were targeted because they were Muslim.


Anti-Semitic incidents andcelebrationsof the attack by Hamas were reported throughout Europe.


Londons police force reported a big rise in assaults on Jewish targets.


Rishi Sunak, the British prime minister, reminded people that showing support for the terrorist group could be punishable by a prison sentence.


In Poland the liberal Civic Coalition and its allies won enough seats at an election to form a majority in parliament, heralding a big shift in government.


The conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, a thorn in the EUs side since gaining power in 2015, came first but will struggle to rule, even with the support of a far-right party.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

abyss [ə'bis]


n. 深渊,无底洞

shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

thorn [θɔ:n]


n. 刺,荆棘

poised [pɔizd]


adj. 泰然自若的,镇定的;摆好姿势不动的,静止的;平

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联





