In the Year 2024, the University of Exeter will be offering a new course for postgraduate students, titled "Magic and Occult Science".
According to Professor Emily Selove, the leader of the course, there has been a recent increase in fascination with magic and the occult, both within and beyond academic circles.
This trend is central to the pressing concerns of our society.
The modules presented in this degree program are diverse, ranging from the Western dragon in lore, literature and art, the legend of King Arthur, philosophy and psychedelics, and theorizing Middle East.
The MA program in magic and occult science is an exceptional opportunity as indicated on the course page.
It permits students to customize their curriculum according to their individual interests by electing a variety of modules from a range of social sciences and humanity's disciplines.
Alternatively, students can choose to specialize in a specific area of study.
ARAM251 Esotericism and the Magical Tradition is primarily a team-taught module.

In this module, students embark on a journey of discovery that involves examining various key topics.
These topics include the role of magic in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome,
the study of occult texts in religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and the analysis of witchcraft throughout history.
In addition, students also explore the presence of magic in literature and folklore, the art of deception and illusion, as well as the history of science and medicine.
In September of 2024, the initial group of students will commence their studies for the course.
The cost to study full-time for one year is ?12,000 for students hailing from the United Kingdom, whereas international students will be required to pay ?24,300.
Professionals in a multitude of academic spheres including but not limited to history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, sociology, psychology, drama, and religion, will all collaborate in the instruction of students.