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第八章 萨拉住在阁楼(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "What do you think?" she said. "Do you think I am very happy?" And she marched past her without another word.
  • “你是怎么想的,”她说。“难道你认为我非常幸福吗?”她从对方身旁大步走过,没有再说一句话。
  • In course of time she realized that if her wretchedness had not made her forget things,
  • 随着时间的推移,她认识到倘若不是悲惨的遭遇使她忘前忘后,
  • she would have known that poor, dull Ermengarde was not to be blamed for her unready, awkward ways.
  • 她会知道这个可怜、愚钝的埃芒加德是不应因为不机灵和笨口拙舌而受责怪的。
  • She was always awkward, and the more she felt, the more stupid she was given to being.
  • 埃芒加德总是那么笨拙,她愈是意识到这一点,就越发变得愚蠢。
  • But the sudden thought which had flashed upon her had made her over-sensitive.
  • 但是刚才突然闪过脑海的想法使萨拉过于敏感。
  • "She is like the others," she had thought. "She does not really want to talk to me. She knows no one does."
  • “她和其他孩子们一样,”萨拉刚才这样想。“她并不真想和我谈话。她知道没人想这样做。”
  • So for several weeks a barrier stood between them. When they met by chance Sara looked the other way,
  • 于是一连几个星期,她俩之间竖着一座屏障。她们偶然相遇时,萨拉眼睛望着別处,
  • and Ermengarde felt too stiff and embarrassed to speak.
  • 而埃芒加德感到局促窘迫,说不出话来。
  • Sometimes they nodded to each other in passing, but there were times when they did not even exchange a greeting.
  • 有时候她俩互相点点头就走过去了,也有些时候甚至彼此不打招呼。
  • "If she would rather not talk to me," Sara thought, "I will keep out of her way. Miss Minchin makes that easy enough."
  • “如果她宁愿不和我讲话,”萨拉想,“那我就避开她。铭钦女士的隔离办法使这事很容易办到。”
  • Miss Minchin made it so easy that at last they scarcely saw each other at all.
  • 铭钦女士的办法确实很灵,她俩终于几乎不见面了。
  • At that time it was noticed that Ermengarde was more stupid than ever, and that she looked listless and unhappy.
  • 那时候,人们注意到埃芒加德比以前更蠢了,显得无精打采、郁郁不欢。
  • She used to sit in the window-seat, huddled in a heap, and stare out of the window without speaking.
  • 她经常坐在窗座上,蜷缩成一团,默默地望着窗外。
  • Once Jessie, who was passing, stopped to look at her curiously.
  • 有一回,杰西经过那里,站住了好奇地看着她。
  • "What are you crying for, Ermengarde?" she asked.
  • “你哭什么,埃芒加德?”她问道。
  • "I'm not crying," answered Ermengarde, in a muffled, unsteady voice.
  • “我不在哭,”埃芒加德回答,好像有什么东西捂着嘴,话音若断若续。
  • "You are," said Jessie.
  • “你在哭,”杰西说。
  • "A great big tear just rolled down the bridge of your nose and dropped off at the end of it. And there goes another."
  • “一大滴眼泪刚从鼻梁上淌下来,在鼻尖上掉下。看,又是一滴。”
  • "Well," said Ermengarde, "I'm miserable—and no one need interfere."
  • “哦,”埃芒加德说,“我很难过——用不着别人来打搅我。”
  • And she turned her plump back and took out her handkerchief and boldly hid her face in it.
  • 她转过胖胖的脊背,取出手帕,索性捂住了脸。
  • That night, when Sara went to her attic, she was later than usual.
  • 那天夜里,萨拉回阁楼比往常晚。
  • She had been kept at work until after the hour at which the pupils went to bed, and after that she had gone to her lessons in the lonely schoolroom.
  • 人们一直在让她干活儿,等到学生们都上床去睡之后,她才去那空无一人的教室学习功课。


"What do you think?" she said. "Do you think I am very happy?" And she marched past her without another word.


In course of time she realized that if her wretchedness had not made her forget things,


she would have known that poor, dull Ermengarde was not to be blamed for her unready, awkward ways.


She was always awkward, and the more she felt, the more stupid she was given to being.


But the sudden thought which had flashed upon her had made her over-sensitive.


"She is like the others," she had thought. "She does not really want to talk to me. She knows no one does."


So for several weeks a barrier stood between them. When they met by chance Sara looked the other way,


and Ermengarde felt too stiff and embarrassed to speak.


Sometimes they nodded to each other in passing, but there were times when they did not even exchange a greeting.


"If she would rather not talk to me," Sara thought, "I will keep out of her way. Miss Minchin makes that easy enough."


Miss Minchin made it so easy that at last they scarcely saw each other at all.


At that time it was noticed that Ermengarde was more stupid than ever, and that she looked listless and unhappy.


She used to sit in the window-seat, huddled in a heap, and stare out of the window without speaking.


Once Jessie, who was passing, stopped to look at her curiously.


"What are you crying for, Ermengarde?" she asked.


"I'm not crying," answered Ermengarde, in a muffled, unsteady voice.


"You are," said Jessie.


"A great big tear just rolled down the bridge of your nose and dropped off at the end of it. And there goes another."


"Well," said Ermengarde, "I'm miserableand no one need interfere."


And she turned her plump back and took out her handkerchief and boldly hid her face in it.


That night, when Sara went to her attic, she was later than usual.


She had been kept at work until after the hour at which the pupils went to bed, and after that she had gone to her lessons in the lonely schoolroom.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
listless ['listlis]


adj. 无精打采的

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

attic ['ætik]


n. 阁楼

barrier ['bæriə]


n. 界线,屏障,栅栏,障碍物

embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

interfere [.intə'fiə]


vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉





