Around 9 this morning, workers appeared to unscrew and remove wiring from the newly-installed "X" sign, formerly known as Twitter.
Some people had a problem with the sign's brightness, especially when the lights would strobe or flash at night.
"It was annoying, it was so bright that it was like hurting my eyes a little bit.
I think if it had just stayed on, I could've ignored it, but because it kept flashing, it was hard to ignore."
According to San Francisco Building Inspections records, the "X" building received notice of violations for potentially not having the right permits to install the sign.

Workers denied city inspectors access to the roof twice when they went to check it out.
"Elon Musk could've been the author of the statement 'there's no such thing as bad publicity'
because he seems to love any notoriety that he can get, whether it's good or bad, and a lot of it is bad."
Tech expert Larry Magid says this very much could have just been a stunt for Elon Musk to earn publicity for his new X rebranding.
X representatives have not addressed the concerns of neighbors or the city publicly,
but the "X" as of late this morning was removed from the roof of the building, adding to the suspicion this could have been Musk's plan all along.