The challenges now are different from those 50 years ago. Then, the world needed to produce much more rice to stave off famine.
High-yielding hybrid seeds, grown with chemical fertilizers, helped. In the Mekong Delta, farmers went on to produce as many as three harvests a year, feeding millions at home and abroad.
Today, that very system of intensive production has created new problems worldwide. It has depleted aquifers, driven up fertilizer use, reduced the diversity of rice breeds that are planted, and polluted the air with the smoke of burning rice stubble.
On top of that, there's climate change: It has upended the rhythm of sunshine and rain that rice depends on. Perhaps most worrying, because rice is eaten every day by some of the world's poorest, elevated carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere deplete nutrients from each grain.
Rice faces another climate problem. It accounts for an estimated 8 percent of global methane emissions.
That's a fraction of the emissions from coal, oil and gas, which together account for 35 percent of methane emissions. But fossil fuels can be replaced by other energy sources. Rice, not so much.
Rice is the staple grain for an estimated three billion people. It is biryani and pho, jollof and jambalaya -- a source of tradition, and sustenance.
"We are in a fundamentally different moment," said Lewis Ziska, a professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University. "It's a question of producing more with less. How do you do that in a way that's sustainable? How do you do that in a climate that's changing?"
In 1975, facing famine after war, Vietnam resolved to grow more rice. It succeeded spectacularly, eventually becoming the world's third-largest rice exporter after India and Thailand. The green patchwork of the Mekong Delta became its most prized rice region.
At the same time, though, the Mekong River was reshaped by human hands. Starting in southeastern China, the river meanders through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia, interrupted by many dams.
Today, by the time it reaches Vietnam, there is little freshwater left to flush out seawater seeping inland. Rising sea levels bring in more seawater. Irrigation canals turn salty. The problem is only going to get worse as temperatures rise.
"We now accept that fast-rising salty water is normal," said Mr. Pham, the irrigation chief. "We have to prepare to deal with it." Where saltwater used to intrude 30 kilometers or so (about 19 miles) during the dry season, he said, it can now reach 70 kilometers inland.