Tara, I'm really glad we're getting to talk today because I'm a man, I'm about to turn 35, and it is with considerable shame, I guess, that I have to say that I haven't been to a doctor in at least five years, probably easily more than that.
That doesn't surprise me. In fact, I think that's pretty typical for a man your age. Actually, for a man of any age.
This is Tara Parker-Pope. She's an editor for The Post's health section "Well+Being."
And Tara said men just don't go to the doctor all that regularly. But the story is much bigger than that.
The state of men's health is not good. It's not in a good place.
And I think the most startling statistic and description of the situation is that, across the life span, at every age -- babies, boys, teens, men, middle-aged men, older men -- are more likely to die. They will die sooner than women.
Tara says some of this is because of how men live their lives.
They're more likely to be in a car crash. They're more likely to be in a pedestrian accident, a bicycle accident. They tend to do more dangerous jobs than women.
But the problem is across the board, no matter their ethnicity or their socioeconomic status, men are dying years before women.
So, in 2021, which are the most recent numbers we have, the average life expectancy for a woman was 79.1 years. For a man, it was 73.2 years. And that's the biggest gap we've seen in about a quarter of a century.
Today, the silent crisis of men's health in the U.S.
I feel like, even as I was growing up, looking at, like, "The Guinness Book of Records" and all of these other places where you get these kinds of statistics, it's always been my understanding that men just generally don't live as long as women.
Has this shift surprised you at all? It sounds like we're looking at a bigger gap than usual.
这种转变让你感到惊讶吗? 听起来我们的差距比平时更大。
I think there is this weird acceptance that men just die younger at any age and that's okay.
The life-expectancy gap, years ago, was much more narrow between men and women, and over time, women's life expectancy has improved.
Women have benefited more from the advances in medical care, medical technology, you know, better living conditions.
Women have benefited from those gains where men have not.
What's happening right now is that the longevity gap is the largest that it's been in about a quarter of a century.
So it's not going in the right direction. Given all the amazing achievements we have in medicine, they're not benefiting men.