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Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回到【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad.

Hey, Lulu.

What are we going to talk about todayWhat is the top trending topic in geek world

Good, something I found recently a lot is ChatGPT.

That's all the fad in China as well.

如果大家关注, 哪怕你不是特别关注Tech的新闻, 最近应该都经常看到 ChatGPT. 怎么说呢, 就是一个聊天机器人的这么一个概念吧, to dumb it down, would you say ChatGPT is a chat bot?

In its space form, you could say it's a chat bot.

Let's start with the basics. Chat, we understand. But GPT.

Yeah, GPT means generative pretrained transformer. That's a big word.

That's a mouthful. 中文直译是生成式预训练转化模型, can we actually break it downI mean a lot of our listeners probably don't know like me don't really know much about this.

So generative, first of all, 生成式what does that mean

Means to be able to generate something or create something

So like when you talk to ChatGPT, they are able to create dialogues. All right, create new content. Pretrained obviously means it's been trained using AI technology or some relevant technology?

It's a form of AI, it's been trained to perform particular tasks and one of those tasks is doing chat. But so it's basicallyit's trained to generate some sort of chat.

OK, and transformer?

So it takes information that it has access to and transforms it into something new.

I see. I actually did my own little research preparing for this topic. Just tell me if I'm understanding this correctly, it's called ChatGPT, basically it's a chat model that's using GPT-3, GPT-3, it's like a neural network what they call it.

It's a neural network. It's their third generation of their current GPT model.

所以其实可以理解为是用GPT-3就是三代GPT的神经网络模型, 然后创造出来的这么一个ChatGPT, 类似于聊天机器人, 人工智能聊天的这么一个存在.

But this is definitely not the first prototype for chat bots, rightThere were many before, I used certain chat bots, but they were all a bit, for lack of a better word, dumb.

This chat bot is something a little bit more than original chat bots. It can chat with good precision. It can write essays or scripts for a book or a movie.


You can think of it as being like the ultimate fan fiction writer.


So if I, for example, technically if for example, I'm a Sherlock Holmesfan, and then if I want to create a story based on the love story between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, I can ask ChatGPT to do it.

Yeah. You could add in a few other things, if you like, you can tell that where you want the story to take place, other little things to add in, and then it will create a story for you.

Wow. That is like your own fan fiction. Okay.

If we think about older types of the chat bots that chat bots came before that, they couldn't really perform the same type of functions. One of the earliest chat bots was named Tay.

That's Microsoft.

Yes, Microsoft. Tay used to send out tweets, use interactions it had from the tweets that it got from different people on Twitter. Then it would generate conversations or other types of tweets from that data.

But based on my little research, Tay was very quickly taken offline because people been feeding pretty bad information like hateful information, racist information.

Tay,早期微软的一个chat bot, 好像是后来被人给玩坏了, 里面有很多什么种族歧视的, 被恶意的喷子给他这些information, 所以就被迫下线了.

Was it also like some of these chat bots theyve been feed really threatening messages that they're going to destroy humanity or keep human beings as pet in a zoo?

Yeah, like early AI would do something like that where they would say they wanted to enslave humanity or keep them as pets. They would say some pretty interesting things. Whereas like the earlier chat bots basically just could have very brief conversations, but they couldn't really carry that thread very well.

Yeah. But I already I've seen articles of people asking ChatGPT how well the world and how well humanity and like why would you ask AI that?

You don't want to ask the AI as the CIA listening to you, it might tell you the truth.

Yeah, but then there is another not chat bot, but it's kind of like the same or similar ideas called DALL·E, D-A-L-L·E.

Yeah. It's another open AI platform. It's the same idea as ChatGPT so it basically rather than taking conversations, it takes ideas for pictures and then uses the text that someone gives to create a picture.

And so if you were to say, I want a picture of a squirrel playing basketball, it will use like its knowledge or its ability to gather photos of squirrels and basketballs and then put them together to create a new picture.

这个在中国也很火, 就是AI绘画的那种概念, 你给几个concept用词, 文本给到他, 然后他会创造出来这样的画面. And these pictures they look a bit weird sometimes.


Do people know that they are AI created.

Some of the basic ones look very strange and you know that it's not real. It just the way the picture is. It's not sharp, it's very fuzzy. It looks kind of weird. But there are some of the better photos that actually look really good. And you can't hardly tell that it's created by an AI.

Then I guess they can turn into some fake news report like new species being discovered. Half squirrel, have fish, something like that. What's better about thisIt's that when you were talking about ChatGPT can write your own fan fiction. DALL·E can then turn it into a graphic novel.

Exactly. There's actually been a few that have been put out already by AI.


There's been a few people who have written their own books and then had AI create the artwork for it, and then there have been the other way around where someone created art for AI created story.

So it's already put into use. Now, one thing that I've been hearing actually that 小酒馆(id: lulushappyhourhas already started, we've started to use Chat GPT, 酒馆的现在在社群里面是有一个小酒馆万事通, 就是这么一个ChatGPT, 我们就是用的应该是免费的功能ChatGPT.

And I'm quite surprised, I think so was, or so are a lot of people by ChatGPT because the conversation is very different from some of the old chat bots, which just sound a bit random. Now ChatGPT actually sounds much more lifelike.

One of the big differences, it doesn't just look at one phrase that it gets and then responds to that phrase.

It looks at the conversation and tries to create, tries to keep the thread of the conversation going. It does it fairly well. So it's sometimes hard to know that you're talking to an AI.

Over a longer period of time, it would be easier to see this is not a real person. But at the beginning it might be a little bit more difficult for someone to know whether or not that's an AI.

It's very useful in sort of customer service, because it clearly sounds different from an old timing chat Bot, which only repeats the same question or same answer over and over again.

But where does it get its informationWhat are some of the databases it's usingI'm assuming it's a lot.

They've taken about half a terabyte of data to use to start as like a base form of the AI, they haven't given it access to the whole internet as far as I know.

But that's something that they don't want to do. And the reason for that is there are some limitations that you don't want to just give it everything. And a problem with that is that when you ask it a question, sometimes it doesn't know the answer. The answer it gives you is the wrong answer.

So it's actually limited to the content that it was given access to. They couldn't really answer questions once it's out of the database, out of the realm of the database.

So basically, when there'syou ask it a question that's outside of its knowledge, it tries to answer as best as it can with the knowledge it has.

Sometimes the answer it gives you will just be a wrong answer, but it's structured in a way that makes it sound like it's a good answer. So it's like if you're talking to someone who's trying to make them sound really smart, they're going to make something up. But they might say it in a really good way. So you like that must be right.

Social media is full of them. I don't think we're short of one more. But more on the problems with ChatGPT in our advanced episode.

I think we're going to wrap up here the basic episode, weve giving you the basic concept, what GPT stands for? How it is different from some of the earlier chat bots?

If you have ever encountered chat GPT at work or when you're just playing around on the internet or you have actually used it, leave us a comment in the comment section. Can't wait to see your comments and can't wait to talk with you, Brad, in our advanced episode. We'll see you next time.

See you next time.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

squirrel ['skwirəl]


n. 松鼠,松鼠皮毛
vt. 储存

generate ['dʒenə.reit]


vt. 产生,发生,引起

ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类





