这股提早考虑养老以求 “财务自由、提早退休”的风其实并非国内独有,国外叫F.I.R.E, 所以今天的Buzzword,就来说道说道这个词
FIRE不是“火” 这个词, 而是F.I.R.E abbreviation, it refers to financial independence, retire early, 财富自由, 早早退休.
Sounds exciting, doesn't it?Who wouldn't want financial independence at an early age so that we can just retire.
这几年大家的日子都过得挺紧巴, 但你再往前倒几年, 经济形势比较好的时候, 其实身边还是有很多人在讨论财务自由的。
比如说知乎上就有很多帖子问, 在什么北上广深要实现财务自由需要多少钱?
And usually people would give an astronomical number, but actually this F.I.R.E in English might be slightly different from your understanding of财富自由.
So let's dive right into it.
F.I.R.E Movement
The F.I.R.E movement is a lifestyle movement with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early.
The model became particularly popular among millennials.
In the 2010s, gaining traction through online communities, via Information shared in blogs, podcast, and online discussion forums.
在10年左右是最火的时候, 差不多也是那个时候国内有很多关于财富自由的讨论, 而最热衷于讨论他们的就是millennials千禧一代, 我原来说过, 基本相当于咱们的80/90后。
The main ideas behind the F.I.R.E movement originate from the 1992 bestselling book, Your Money or Your Life, as well as the 2010 book Early Retirement Extreme.
These works provide the basic template of combining a lifestyle of simple living with income from investments to achieve financial independence.
财富自由运动, 它倡导的就是通过相对简单的生活方式以及各种投资性的收入, 也就是非工作的收入来实现财富自由。
In particular, the book Early Retirement Extreme describes the relationship between savings rate and time to retirement, which allows individuals to quickly project their retirement date, given an assumed level of income and expenses.
2010年这本书里还详细的帮你计算了你的收入、开支以及你退休时点之间的关系. 也就是说只要你用它的公式, 就可以通过现在的收入和开支算出你几岁能退休。
And this movement kind of also led to the increasing popularity of side hustling. Because this is also seen as a path to accelerate financial independence.
这个财富自由的运动也带火了, 我们之前提到过的比如说side hustling副业这样的风潮。
因为大家会觉得如果有side hustle就能更快更早地实现financial independence.
In essence, the F.I.R.E movement is about deciding when you want to stop working, often earlier than traditional retirement ages, then saving up to live your ideal lifestyle when you get there.
In China, when we think about financial independence, we think it's a life of luxury.
在国内一般人提到财富自由, 很多人都会觉得说你一定要特别有钱, 要资产过亿.
But actually the original F.I.R.E movement in English speaking world, it recommends three main lifestyles you can aim for.
Lean F.I.R.E 简朴型财富自由
The first is Lean F.I.R.E where you live frugally based on a lower income in retirement.
第一个可以理解为是简朴型的财富自由, 也就是说靠着你后面的被动收入, 你能够cover自己退休之后的开支, 只是你过的生活会相对的简朴, 并不会有太多的余钱去享受.
FAT F.I.R.E 奢华型财富自由
Contrary to Lean F.I.R.E, this is where you have a big savings pot, so can live more luxuriously.
这种就属于奢华型财富自由, 要么就是你有很多的资产, 或者说你后面的被动的投资性收入特别高, 这样你就可以奢想自己的退休生活。
Barista F.I.R.E 咖啡师财务自由
And the last one is called Barista F.I.R.E where you still work part time or get support from an unretired partner.
这种直译叫做咖啡师财务自由, 也就是说虽然你退休了, 但是你也会根据自己的喜好去偶尔做一些兼职的工作;
或者说你的伴侣没有退休, 这种情况下实现的提前退休, 财务自由.
Now no matter which type you are going for, those seeking to attain F.I.R.E, intentionally maximize their savings rate by finding ways to increase income and or decrease expenses along with aggressive investments that again increases their wealth and or income.
The objective is to accumulate assets until the resulting passive income provides enough money for living expenses throughout one's retirement years.
Many proponents of the F.I.R.E movement suggest the 4% rule as a rough withdrawal guideline that's setting a goal of at least 25 times once estimated annual living expenses.
我相信很多人听到过4% 这一说:
最初推行F.I.R.E的这些人, 他们信奉一个4%原则, 也就是说你现在计算一下你每年正常生活所需要的开销, 把开销乘25倍。
If you have that amount of money, then you can potentially reach financial independence and you can retire early.
Upon reaching financial independence, paid work becomes optional, allowing for retirement from traditional work decades earlier than the standard retirement age.
Criticism against the F.I.R.E movement
Some critics allege that the F.I.R.E movement is really only for the rich, pointing to the difficulties of achieving the high savings rate needed for F.I.R.E on low income.
当然有很多人不敢苟同, F.I.R.E movement, 什么财富自由, 那都是高薪人士有钱人才会玩的游戏, 一般人连活着都费劲。
Others argue that early retirees are not saving enough for early retirement, and the many unknowns that come with a longer period.
还有些人就觉得其实未来是充满风险的, 而且很多风险在你想提早退休的时候, 那个节点你是看不到的。
Because the retirement phase of F.I.R.E could potentially last 70 years and it is inappropriate to apply the 4% rule, which was developed for a traditional retirement time frame of 30 years.
而之前说的25倍或者4%的存款原则, 其实是按照退休之后活30年来计算的。
For that reason, some economists now argue for a safer withdrawal rate of 3.5% or less,
which means saving 30 to 40 times once annual spending instead of 25 times, if the goal is to retire completely and never earn money again.
所以现在就有经济学家说, 25倍其实应该改成30~40倍, 才能真正的安心退休.
Let's move on to the sample sentence.
Example 1:
-The F.I.R.E movement prioritizes saving or investing more than 50% of your income so you can retire early.