Imagine a holiday that’s not based around the church, a capitalist figurehead or settler-colonial conquest.
One that brings both chosen family and friends together to enjoy each other's company, eat good food, play games, and go outside to be in presence of community.
One that doesn’t require thousands of dollars to celebrate and doesn’t produce copious amounts of waste and exploitation.
Where you can take a break from work, and just relax.
This is what I would want my December holiday to look like.
But I’m just one person.
We all need to be developing alternatives to Christmas and the holiday season and be thinking about the question journalist Valerie Vande Panne asks: “How do we reinvent this holiday season to have a deeper meaning than what appears to be a celebration honoring the god of capitalism?”
This is a difficult endeavor, especially because we exist in a global capitalist system that constantly pressures us to consume and work.
In order to truly rid ourselves of capitalism’s stranglehold on Christmas we need to dismantle and replace it with the system wherein we all control and own the factories and systems of production.
In short, we need to end capitalism as we know it.
But that world might be a little ways off in the future.
So, what could alleviate the pressure to consume and pollute during the holiday season right now?
Buying fewer presents or making your own is a start.
As we’ve already discussed, however, this consumer-side solution has yet to drastically change the shape of production and the pollution it causes, but changing the way you do gifts might be an accessible first step to changing the way you celebrate the end of December and the New Year.
Emphasizing interpersonal connection rather than material consumption is just a small way to shift the values of the holiday.
But this shifting could also take the form of a communal potluck with friends, neighbors, and extended family.
The key is to expand Christmas out of the home and the nuclear family outwards towards your larger community.
While Christmas is rooted in Christianity, its capitalist takeover has secularized it.
Reclaiming Christmas, not for Christianity, but for an opportunity to explore what it means to have pleasure outside of capitalism is essential.
So this Christmas, expand the scope of what is possible and remember that traditions can always be changed.
Maybe that change looks like a return to the public revelry of the past.
A celebration of Christmas that upends the status quo instead of reinforcing it.