Elon Musk will begin laying off Twitter employees on Friday morning, according to a memo sent to staff. The email sent Thursday evening notified employees that they will receive a notice by 12 pm ET Friday that informs them of their employment status. “If your employment is not impacted, you will receive a notification via your Twitter email. If your employment is impacted, you will receive a notification with next steps via your personal email.” The email added that “to help ensure the safety” of employees and Twitter’s systems, the company's offices “will be temporarily closed and all badge access will be suspended.” The email concluded acknowledging that it will be “an incredibly challenging experience to go through” for the workforce.
1.Elon Musk 埃隆·马斯克
2.lay off employees 裁员(lay off 解雇)
3.employment status 雇佣状态(status n. 地位;状况,情形)
4.badge access 工牌使用权限(badge n. 徽章,奖章 access n. 入口)
5.workforce n.(国家或地区的)劳动力,劳动人口;(某组织或公司的)全体员工,全体从业人员
6.cut jobs 裁员
例句:Elon Musk has said he plans to cut jobs, leaving Twitter's approximately 7,500 employees fretting about their future.
7.acquisition n. 收购
例句:The $44-billion acquisition is the culmination of a remarkable saga, full of twists and turns, that sowed doubt over whether Musk would complete the deal.