"离开也很体面 才没辜负这些年
爱得热烈 认真付出的画面
别让执念 毁掉了昨天
我爱过你 利落干脆
再见 不负遇见”
所以今天的Buzzword 就来聊聊“有人爱用”, 有人觉得“不礼貌”的Ghosting.
可能大家一听Ghosting就是Ghost “鬼”这个词加ing, 就会觉得是不是要开始讲什么恐怖的事情了.
Actually ghosting has nothing to do with scary things. But it has everything to do with relationships.
它说的是“没有任何预警的就突然切断联系”, 其实就是中文里说的“玩消失”.
Ghosting refers to abruptly cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning or explanation for doing so.
So for example, if you are dating, and the person you're dating just suddenly disappears.
And they cut off all the contact with you without explaining why, then we can say you have been ghosted.
It's called ghosting because it involves someone essentially vanishing into thin air, disappearing as if they were a ghost.
Ghosting is generally used in reference to a romantic relationship, for example, when you're dating.
But it can technically refer to any scenario where contact unexpectedly stops.
Ghosting这个词最开始虽然只是恋爱领域的事情, 但其实如果友人、家人甚至你面试的公司突然对你玩消失, 也有很多人会用Ghosting这个词.
玩消失, 既可以是一夜之间突然毫无征兆的发生, 也可能是在一个很漫长的过程中, the other person might start by 'soft ghosting', ta可以逐渐的消失.
Eearly signs of ghosting
如果出现以下的这些征兆, 你就要小心了, 可能对方要开始ghosting了.
They regularly bail out on plans to get together. 比如经常会取消计划或者尽量找借口不跟你见面.
They struggle to make commitments. 不愿意做出任何承诺.
They don't like to share personal Information.
They don't want you to meet their friends or family.
They disappear from social media.
They rarely respond to your texts or calls, your conversation with them lack depths, and they seem disinterested.
你跟他们的交流也变得非常浅层, 而且通常他们对和你聊的事以及你的生活都表现的没有什么兴趣.
Those are probably some of the early warning signs that they might start ghosting you.
Ghosting on Social Media
This day and age, ghosting very often occurs on social media.
It involves cutting off all social media contact without any explanation. The other person may unfriend, unfollow, or even block you on all social media platforms.
如今这个年代, 很多时候的“玩消失”都是从社交平台开始的, 他们可以对你unfriend删好友, unfollow取关, 甚至把你拉黑.
They may even go so far as to deactivate or delete their social accounts to prevent all contact.
甚至有人做得更绝, 会直接删掉社交账号, 就为了让你找不到ta们.
Although the behavior of ghosting has been around since the dawn of time, but the term ghosting came mainstream about 7 years ago alongside the surge in online dating.
And it became an official entry in the The Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 2017.
The reason why the term suddenly got mainstream is perhaps because online dating,
all of these dating apps has simply made it way easier to ghost people, so that more people feel like they could relate or understand being ghosted or doing the ghosting.
之所以近些年来ghosting这个词突然火起来, 可能是因为现在有太多的这种左滑右滑上下滑的Dating App or Social Network App, 所以很多人都经历过ghosting这种行为.
Why people choose to Ghost?
Now if you have ever been ghosted in any form of relationship, one of the questions that you're going to keep asking yourself is:
why can't the other person just come out and say they don't want to contact me anymore. Why do they choose to ghost?
There are two primary reasons why a person would ghost another.
第一个原因就是因为“玩消失, 简单粗暴".
So reason number one, it's the Easy Route.
Because many people find it way easier in a short term to ghost someone than to have an awkward, uncomfortable, heart to heart conversation about why you're not interested in keeping in contact with them.
The person doing the ghosting often wants to avoid confrontation or dealing with someone's hurt feelings.
So they simply stop all communication, hope that you get the message and just leave them alone.
第二个原因就是"选择过多, 腻了就换".
Reason number two is option overload and fatigue.
Especially with internet dating, this is what you see. There are so many choices.
So they're quick to say, ‘OK, next’.
特别是各种交友约会的APP里, 腻了就ghosting简直是一个常态.
Now the reason why we talk about ghosting is because on the surface, ghosting seems harmless.
They're just disappearing, they're not shouting at you, they're not having a fight with you.
However, ghosting can be even more hurtful than a big breakup or a fight. It can have a real psychological impact on the person who's being ghosted.
It's almost like sudden loss or grieve. If you've been ghosted, you are shocked. You're in denial, and then you start to make excuses for them.
But one of the biggest and the most negative impact of being ghosted is that you start to doubt yourself.
其实ghosting这件事情对于被ghost的这个人来说, 最大的伤害就是很容易让ta质疑自己.
It can lead to significant feelings of rejection, guilt, grief, and shame.
So whether you have already had the painful experience of being ghosted by someone, one thing to remember is that ghosting says more about the person who cuts off contact than the person who is ghosted.
Ghosting is more their problem and their personality than yours.
Now let's move on the sample sentence.
Example 1:
-Being ghosted in a relationship means that you will never get a closure.