Parents worried that they may pass on their short stature to their children can rest easy,
as a new study reveals nurture is more important than nature when it comes to a person's height.
A landmark piece of research has found that more than 12,000 genes are responsible for determining how tall a person becomes, but this hereditary aspect is just 40 percent of the picture.
The other 60 percent is caused by nurture-based traits like environment, upbringing and quality of life.
Analysis of more than 5.4 million people discovered the culpable chunks of DNA involved in height determination and found them to live in parts of the genome that are responsible for skeletal growth.

"Our study identified 12,111 genetic markers -- or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) -- associated with height in more than 5 million individuals from participating studies,"
study author Dr Eirini Marouli, associate professor in computational biology at Queen Mary University of London, told the Telegraph.
The study, published in Nature, also predicted how tall a person would become based on their genes alone
and found it to be more accurate than the current method, which estimates a child's length by the height of their parents.
This more accurate height prediction could be useful in healthcare.
For example, if a child does not reach their predicted height, it could indicate an underlying condition that might be affecting growth, for example, related to hormonal deficiencies.