Dutch students from Eindhoven University of Technology have created what could be the world's most sustainable all-electric car.
Called ZEM or Zero Emission Mobility, the sporty two-seater is able to capture more carbon than it emits.
这辆被命名为ZEM,也就是Zero Emission Mobility(零排放出行)的运动型双座汽车,捕获的碳比它本身排放的还要多。
It does this by using two filters capable of taking in two-kilograms of CO2 over 32000 kilometers of driving.
The car was designed to minimize carbon dioxide emissions throughout its lifespan.
Most parts of the car are made using recycled plastics that have been 3D printed.
The vehicle was also designed to be easily separated and recycled at the end of its use.

"This car was made with the goal to minimise the CO2 emitted during the manufacturing phase, the life phase and the end-of-life phase.
The final goal is to actually inspire the industry.
If some car manufacturer sees this and wants to produce it, we're all in for it, of course.
But a more realistic perspective is that they adopt certain technologies and innovations we've implemented.
We are now the spearhead of, for example, for 3D printing in the automotive industry.
And we're using, we've adapted already existing technology of carbon capturing and implemented in the car."