他们的人生格言是:与其拼命工作,不如活得开心。可是又不能没有工作,那就干脆quiet quitting.
今天的Buzzword Quiet Quitting 就是打不赢就躺下的“职场躺平”。
The term is a bit misleading because quiet quitting is not about quitting your job.
Instead, it's about quitting “the idea of going above and beyond at work”, quitting hustle culture.
虽然 Quiet Quitting有“quitting”这个词, 但它说的并不是辞职, 而是说Quit Hustle Culture, 是从这种鸡血奋斗文化或者说打工人无限内卷的文化里退出来。
The first TikTok user to popularize the term has amassed millions of views very quickly.
The trend is resonating strongly with those Gen Z knowledge workers fighting to rewrite the rules of the workplace.
风潮一出就受到了Gen Z也就是我们说的95后00后这一代想要改变职场规则的年轻人的共鸣。
What are the signs of
“quiet quitting”?
Employees are “quitting” going above and beyond, and they're refusing to do tasks they're not being paid for.
This might include closing your laptop as soon as you get off work, stop replying to work messages past a certain time;
doing only your assigned tasks, spending more time with family, or doing your own things.
拿一份钱打一份工, 不过在充满Hustle Culture, 鼓励年轻人不断内卷的职场,Quiet Quitting风潮可以说是反内卷甚至是职场躺平的开始。
有专家就说了, 这个风潮就是明显的员工热情动力不足, 对工作的参与度参与感降低;
Signs of quiet quitting looks like classic indicators of diminished motivation and slow engagement.
And this could mean decreased productivity, withdrawing from the team, limiting communication and interaction to only what's required as well as cynicism or apathy about work.
这个结果就是生产力低下和团队产生疏离, 只保留最基本最低限度的和工作相关的交流和互动, 以及对于工作的消极玩世不恭和冷漠的情绪。
从鸡血奋斗文化,也可以理解为打工人无限内卷的文化里退出来。一句话来总结就是:只做最低限度需要做的工作, 拒绝一切的无效无薪加班, 也绝不做任何分外之事。
What has prompted
the Quiet Quitting trend?
Some industry experts believe the term stems from companies exploiting their employees’ labor,
and how these businesses benefit from a culture of overwork without additional compensation.
职场躺平风潮的原因其实也不难找, 很多公司在长期以来都从鼓吹这种内卷和奋斗文化而获益。
因为通过鼓吹这种文化, 可以不用额外支付酬劳, 就能让员工疯狂的内卷疯狂的加班。
But workplace culture has gone through many changes during the pandemic, including with the great resignation.
Now some workers are reevaluating the situation and negotiating for better work conditions, and benefits.
而持续几年的疫情, 包括国外疫情期间所带来的离职潮, 其实让很多人都开始重新规划他们的人生和对工作职场的态度。
于是这种对于奋斗内政文化说不的 Quiet Quitting风潮就顺理成章的开始走红社交网络。
For businesses and employers, one of the major problems caused by quiet quitting is that when you have employees quite quitting, their colleagues may feel even more frustrated by having to pick up the slack or feeling shut out.
对公司或者老板来说, 这种职场躺平的风潮会带来很多问题。
因为当你一部分的员工变成了quiet quitters, 他没有躺平的同事就可能面临工作量进一步加大等等所带来的问题。
And quiet quitting can very quickly become an infectious attitude in the workplace as employees start to compare notes.
而在一个组织里, 这种 Quiet Quitting的风潮传播起来也会非常的迅速。
That's why businesses and employers should see the quiet quitting trend as the red light or the alarm call that urges them to change the work conditions and workplace.
How to avoid employees
becoming Quiet Quitters?
There are many things you can do, for example, you can help prevent burnouts by encouraging employees to take breaks and to use their vacation and paid time off during the year.
首先, 是鼓励员工按时休息, 特别是去休他们本来就应该有的年假。
If there's an absolute need for overtime, then make sure they are compensated for it.
When an employee logs off for the evening, managers should avoid sending late messages that are not urgent.
再比如除非是万不得已的情况, 不然员工下了班, 特别是到晚上, 老板或者上司应该尽量少发或者不发工作信息。
It could also be making workloads more sustainable.
And also it's very important to make sure that employees feel a forward sense of progress, beyond just career development,
that people are fulfilled by gaining new skills and experiences, having greater control over their jobs and feeling genuinely appreciated.
除了这些, 还有一个很重要的, 特别是对于年轻的员工来说, 他们更需要一种成长发展的感觉, 而不光是职场上的发展;
还有包括学习新的技能、拥有新的经验、对工作的掌控力, 以及自己在职场上受到的认可, 都对他们非常重要。
I know a lot of these sound a bit idealistic, but if businesses and employers want to stop people from quiet quitting, these might be things they have to consider.
Example 1:
-Quiet quitting is not actually quitting your job, but quitting the idea of going above and beyond at workplace.