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第1450期: 内向者: 如何让心上人更喜欢你?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you majored in ______, didn't you? I hope I can ask you for ______.

Mark: As long as it's about how to ______, I'll have a ______. What's up?

Jingjing: A friend of mine is highly ______, and has someone ______. She's wondering how she could turn it into ______.

Mark: OK, so is she school ______ a young ______ or older?

Jingjing: She's a young ______, and has worked ______, for over a year.

Mark: And there's a ______ there she likes?

Jingjing: She's had a ______ him for months. Luckily, he works in another ______.

Mark: So, they wouldn't have to see each other too much if things ______.

Jingjing: Also, she wouldn't be ______. company ______ by going on a few dates ______. Let's get to the tips, though. How can she let him know ______?

Mark: ______.

Jingjing: You mean, like, Hey, Rick, I like you?

Mark: As long as she's not too ______, it's a good step, and one that has to be ______ anyway, right?

Jingjing: Yeah, but so early?

Mark: If she lets him know in a ______ that she likes him, he'll more likely ______ for her and ______ any feelings he's had for her. That ______ or lets her know that she needn't ______ her time.

Jingjing: He might even have a ______ already.

Mark: There's a ______ of that, which would put her ______.

Jingjing: Shortly before and after she ______ to him, what else do you suggest?

Mark: You've almost answered your own question. About ______.

Jingjing: She should be ______ about that, though, shouldn't she?

Mark: Of course she should. ______ to look for a gesture to mirror or change position slightly to a ______.

Jingjing: I imagine that'd help her a lot. Let's talk more after your coffee.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, about my friend who has a ______—can you think of any other ways she can ______, to like her?

Mark: Again, he either likes her or he doesn't. That's a ______ thing.

Jingjing: But if she has a ______. what else can she do?

Mark: Get him ______. If he's shared anything that he hasn't told lots of other people, she could try ______ to show him she's ______.

Jingjing: Not a bad idea. I've never known her as a ______.

Mark: What's more, she could tell him a ______ nothing ______, or terrible.

Jingjing: That's good advice. What else?

Mark: Along with that, she should ______ and talk about ______.

Jingjing: I know about that. Someone who admits making mistakes tends to be liked ______.

Mark: Just make sure she doesn't go ______. A ______, or something that used to be wrong with her—that's a good thing to ______.

Jingjing: What else should she talk about with him?

Mark: Just ______. No, I'm kidding. She should try to ______ into deeper waters. Not always, but let them go that way. And, more than anything else, she should ______,

Jingjing: A few ______ would show that she gets what he's said, even if it was ______. Knowing her, I bet she could do that ______.

Mark: Just once or twice, and the ______, or goes for a run.

Jingjing: Anything to get a ______, started?

Mark: Ask him about something he's ______. Also, she could wear something unusual, which would give him a ______,

Jingjing: Like what?

Mark: Like an ______ brooch or a LEGO ______ not like clown shoes or a Voldemort mask.

Jingjing: Ha ha. Got it.

new words and phrases

have a go at it:

have a crush on <someone>:

get the ball rolling:

in the friend zone:


fishing for compliments:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gesture ['dʒestʃə]


n. 手势,姿态
v. 作手势表达

mask [mɑ:sk]


n. 面具,面罩,伪装
v. 戴面具,掩饰,遮

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

crush [krʌʃ]


v. 压碎,碾碎,压榨
n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤





