It is a word/acronym trending on social media nowadays is used in reference to “Greatest of All Time”.
If someone calls you the GOAT on social media, you shouldn't feel offended, you should feel flattered.
如果你上国外的社交媒体, 就很可能看到过the GOAT或者G.O.A.T.
So when we call someone the GOAT, what do we actually mean?
The original word refers to an animal, but like goat 这个词有山羊的意思, 所以有的时候你也会在社交媒体上看到这样一个山羊的emoticon表情符。
But now on social media, it is actually an acronym.
但是现在的社交媒体上, 它其实是一个首字母的缩写. G.O.A.T. refers to the Greatest of All Time.
Nowadays you see many people using the GOAT or G.O.A.T. to talk about some famous athletes or sports legend.
However, back in the days, the worst thing in the world of sports was being a GOAT.
但其实往回倒几十年, 在体育界如果被人称为GOAT, 其实是很糟糕的一件事儿。
Back then, the word goat derived from the word scapegoat.
因为在那个时候, goat 这个词是从scapegoat替罪羊过来的。
And back then, the word GOAT used to refer to the guy who blew the game.
而当时那种因为自己的发挥失常, 而致使自己的球队输掉整场比赛的人就被叫做 the GOAT.
言下之意就是说不是替罪羊, 因为本来就是他的失误。
When did GOAT
change its meaning?
Many people would attribute this to Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer.
Muhammad Ali was a very, very confident person, even arrogant. And he always called himself the greatest of all time.
当年的拳王阿里一直都是自信满满, 认为自己是the greatest of all time.
And fast forward to 2000, a popular rapper LL Cool J helped to popularize the word as a definition for greatest when he released an album titled G.O.A.T. - greatest of all time.
到了千禧年, 这股风潮就刮到了乐坛, 当时很火的一个叫做LL Cool J 的rapper推出了一张专辑就叫做G.O.A.T.
Since then, rappers and professional athletes have used the acronym for themselves just as often as their fans crowned them with the title.
至此之后, G.O.A.T. - the GOAT这种说法就在乐坛和体坛流行开来。
What does
GOAT mean nowadays?
And the term has broadened its meaning, for example, in 2004, Urban Dictionary entry defined GOAT as “exceptional”.
而它的意思也从最开始的字面意思扩展到非常出色、非常出众, 就相当于我们的YYDS.
Now the term GOAT or G.O.A.T. is often used with reference to sports legends like Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Lionel Messi.
And it has also started to branch out of the sports and music world and pop out into the broader culture - on social media, for example.
除了用来形容体坛和乐坛的传奇人物, 其实它也更多的被广泛的流行文化所接受。
So much so that it was included in major dictionaries, becoming part of the general vocabulary.
因为太火, 所以直接收录到一些主流的词典, 比如Merriam Webster, 正儿八经地成为了英语的一部分。
Example 1:
-The acronym G.O.A.T. is often used to praise exceptional athletes, musicians and other public figures.