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1、请教Henry老师一个问题:在读单词的时候,在一个单词内部两个元音之间必须加滑音j或w吗?如,going,doing, being,snowing, showing, fire, tire, quiet. 非常感谢解答。

2、Henry老师好:最近一直在刻苦研究老师们的老友记几期节目发音,其中就有一节是尾音t加首音s的发音,音标就是ts, 我在老友记一百多期中提问过it sound,发音是?ts sound, 老师说先干脆停顿然后爆一个添加音ts然后再发sound这样的发音是完美的,这我就很困惑:那么这个尾音t加首音,s的读音到底是什么呢,真的很抱歉那期节目我是真的听了不下十遍,实在搞不懂,希望老师可以帮我解一下惑。

“Let’s get started on the wedding plans!”谢谢老师们,辛苦了!

3、我想请教Henry老师一个问题:在反义疑问句中,比如 She is beautiful, isn’t she. 就是把原来的is not 缩写成isn’t 提前。那么I am the boss, aren’t I?为什么是aren't呢,理论上来说 I am not the boss. 我记得中学时am not 的缩写老师教的明明是ain’t.

照以上的逻辑 那应该是ain’t I ,为什么反义疑问句中是aren't l? 谢谢老师


The secret to giving great feedback

The second part of the feedback formula is going to be giving your data point. Here, you should name specifically what you saw or heard, and cut out any words that aren't objective. There's a concept we call blur words. A blur word is something that can mean different things to different people. Blur words are things that are not specific. So for example, if I say "You shouldn't be so defensive" or "You could be more proactive."

What we see great feedback givers doing differently is they'll convert their blur words into actual data points. So for example, instead of saying, "You know, you aren't reliable,"we would say, "You said you'd get that email to me by 11, and I still don't have it yet."

Specificity is also important when it comes to positive feedback, and the reason for that is that we want to be able to specify exactly what we want the other person to increase or diminish. And if we stick with blur words, they actually won't have any clue particularly what to do going forward to keep repeating that behavior.

The third part of the feedback formula is the impact statement. Here, you name exactly how that data point impacted you. So, for example, I might say, "Because I didn't get the message, I was blocked on my work and couldn't move forward"or "I really liked how you added those stories, because it helped me grasp the concepts faster." It gives you a sense of purpose and meaning and logic between the points, which is something the brain really craves.

The fourth part of the feedback formula is a question. Great feedback givers wrap their feedback message with a question. They'll ask something like, "Well, how do you see it?"Or "This is what I'm thinking we should do, but what are your thoughts on it?"What it does is it creates commitment rather than just compliance. It makes the conversation no longer be a monologue, but rather becomes a joint problem-solving situation.

But there's one last thing. Great feedback givers not only can say messages well, but also, they ask for feedback regularly. In fact, our research on perceived leadership shows that you shouldn't wait for feedback to be given to you --

what we call push feedback -- but rather, you should actively ask for feedback, what we call pulling feedback. Pulling feedback establishes you as a continual learner and puts the power in your hands. The most challenging situations are actually the ones that call for the most skillful feedback. But it doesn't have to be hard.

Now that you know this four-part formula, you can mix and match it to make it work for any difficult conversation.


1. proactive

2. specificity

3. have any clue

4. going forward

5. grasp

6. craves

7. compliance

8. mix and match


1. You said you'd get that email to me by eleven.

2. I really liked how you added those stories.

3. This is what I'm thinking we should do.


1. The tool we most need is actually being able to give and receive feedback well.

2. It's scanning at all times to figure out whether the message has a social threat attached to it.

3. The second thing it does is it creates a moment of buy-in.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

specify ['spesifai]


v. 指定,阐述,详细说明

skillful ['skilfəl]


adj. 熟练的,灵巧的

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

convert ['kɔnvə:t,kən'və:t]


v. 变换,(使)转变,使 ... 改变信仰,倒置,兑换

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂





