The World Bank on Tuesday said the world is entering "a protracted period of feeble growth and elevated inflation," as it cut global growth forecasts by 1.2 percentage points to 2.9% for 2022. It had predicted growth of 4.1% in January.
世界银行周二表示,全球正在进入“一个漫长的增长乏力和通胀上升的时期”,并将2022年全球增长预期下调1.2个百分点至2.9%。 它曾预计1月份的增长率为4.1%。
1.The World Bank 世界银行
2.feeble growth 乏力的增长
3.inflation 通货膨胀
4.global growth forecast 全球增长预期
"The danger of stagflation is considerable today," World Bank President David Malpass wrote in the foreword to the report. "Subdued growth will likely persist throughout the decade because of weak investment in most of the world. With inflation now running at multi-decade highs in many countries and supply expected to grow slowly, there is a risk that inflation will remain higher for longer."
世界银行行长戴维·马尔帕斯在报告前言中写道:“目前滞胀的危险相当大。” 他说:“由于世界大部分地区投资疲软,经济增长疲软可能会持续整个10年。 由于许多国家的通胀目前处于几十年来的高点,供应预计将缓慢增长,通胀有可能在更长时间内保持在较高水平。”
5. stagflation 滞胀(stagnation inflation)
6. subdued growth 增长疲软
7. deflation 通货紧缩
例句:Deflation is a general decline in prices for goods and services. 通货紧缩是指商品和服务价格的普遍下降。
8. economic recession 经济衰退
例句:The world could be heading for an economic recession. 世界也许正在走向经济衰退。
9. financial crisis 金融危机
例句:Since the 2008 financial crisis, productivity has slumped and real wages have fallen. 自2008年金融危机以来,生产力衰退,实际工资减少。