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015 第九章:班纳特太太去宾格莱家看望吉英

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Chapter 9


ELIZABETH passed the chief of the night in her sister's room, and in the morning had the pleasure of being able to send a tolerable answer to the enquiries which she very early received from Mr. Bingley by a housemaid, and some time afterwards from the two elegant ladies who waited on his sisters.


In spite of this amendment, however, she requested to have a note sent to Longbourn, desiring her mother to visit Jane, and form her own judgment of her situation. The note was immediately dispatched, and its contents as quickly complied with. Mrs. Bennet, accompanied by her two youngest girls, reached Netherfield soon after the family breakfast.


Had she found Jane in any apparent danger, Mrs. Bennet would have been very miserable; but being satisfied on seeing her, that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield.


She would not listen therefore to her daughter's proposal of being carried home; neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it at all advisable.


After sitting a little while with Jane, on Miss Bingley's appearance and invitation the mother and three daughters all attended her into the breakfast parlour. Bingley met them with hopes that Mrs. Bennet had not found Miss Bennet worse than she expected.


"Indeed I have, Sir," was her answer. "She is a great deal too ill to be moved. Mr. Jones says we must not think of moving her. We must trespass a little longer on your kindness."


"Removed!" cried Bingley. "It must not be thought of. My sister, I am sure, will not hear of her removal."


"You may depend upon it, Madam," said Miss Bingley, with cold civility, "that Miss Bennet shall receive every possible attention while she remains with us."


Mrs. Bennet was profuse in her acknowledgments.


"I am sure," she added, "if it was not for such good friends I do not know what would become of her, for she is very ill indeed, and suffers a vast deal, though with the greatest patience in the world — which is always the way with her, for she has, without exception, the sweetest temper I ever met with.


I often tell my other girls they are nothing to her. You have a sweet room here, Mr. Bingley, and a charming prospect over that gravel walk. I do not know a place in the country that is equal to Netherfield. You will not think of quitting it in a hurry I hope, though you have but a short lease."


"Whatever I do is done in a hurry," replied he; "and therefore if I should resolve to quit Netherfield, I should probably be off in five minutes. At present, however, I consider myself as quite fixed here."


"That is something what I should have supposed of you," said Elizabeth.


"You begin to comprehend me, do you?" cried he, turning towards her.


"Oh! yes — I understand you perfectly."


"I wish I might take this for a compliment; but to be so easily seen through I am afraid is pitiful."


"That is as it happens. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours."


"Lizzy," cried her mother, "remember where you are, and do not run on in the wild manner that you are suffered to do at home."


"I did not know before," continued Bingley immediately, "that you were a studier of character. It must be an amusing study."


"Yes; but intricate characters are the most amusing. They have at least that advantage."


"The country," said Darcy, "can in general supply but few subjects for such a study. In a country neighbourhood you move in a very confined and unvarying society."


"But people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever."


"Yes, indeed," cried Mrs. Bennet, offended by his manner of mentioning a country neighbourhood. "I assure you there is quite as much of that going on in the country as in town."


Every body was surprised; and Darcy, after looking at her for a moment, turned silently away. Mrs. Bennet, who fancied she had gained a complete victory over him, continued her triumph.


"I cannot see that London has any great advantage over the country for my part, except the shops and public places. The country is a vast deal pleasanter, is not it, Mr. Bingley?"


"When I am in the country," he replied, "I never wish to leave it; and when I am in town it is pretty much the same. They have each their advantages, and I can be equally happy in either."


"Aye — but that is because you have the right disposition. But that gentleman," looking at Darcy, "seemed to think the country was nothing at all."


"Indeed, Mama, you are mistaken," said Elizabeth, blushing for her mother. "You quite mistook Mr. Darcy. He only meant that there were not such a variety of people to be met with in the country as in town, which you must acknowledge to be true."


"Certainly, my dear, nobody said there were; but as to not meeting with many people in this neighbourhood, I believe there are few neighbourhoods larger. I know we dine with four and twenty families."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
apparent [ə'pærənt]


adj. 明显的,表面上的

exception [ik'sepʃən]


n. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

comprehend [.kɔmpri'hend]


vt. 充分理解,包括

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

restoration [.restə'reiʃən]


n. 恢复,归还,复位





