fart n. v. 屁;放屁
jar n. 广口瓶
fart 这个单词表达很直接,较委婉一点的说法是 to break wind,让风破开一点点,是不是很形象。
Stephanie Matto, 31, made headlines around the world when she announced that she'd have to retire from selling her farts in jars.
31岁的 Stephanie Matto 上了世界各地的新闻头条,她宣布她不能再卖罐装屁了。
hospitalize v. 入院治疗
医院的名词大家都知道是 hospital,这里的 hospitalize 是动词,表示入院接受治疗,在英式英语中,单词拼写是 hospitalise.
The reality star was hospitalized after farting too much while trying to keep up with the skyrocketing demand.
publicity n. 宣传
看到 publicity 这个单词大家应该能想到 public 「公众的」这个单词,publicity 指的就是面向公众的宣传,常见的两个搭配有 publicity move,宣传动作,publicity stunt,宣传噱头。
She began this business because she thought it'd be a hilarious publicity move that would get a lot of people's attentions.