It was not long before one of the maidens came up to him.
At first she seemed quite frightened, but only for a moment, and then she fetched several others,
and the mermaid saw that the prince was coming to life, and that he smiled at all those around him, but he never smiled at her.
You see he did not know that she had saved him.
She felt so sad that when he was led away into the great building she dived sorrowfully into the water and made her way home to her father's pa lace.
Always silent and thoughtful, she became more so now than ever.
Her sisters often asked her what she had seen on her first visit to the surface, but she never would tell them anything.
Many an evening and many a morning she would rise to the place where she had left the prince.
She saw the fruit in the garden ripen, and then gathered,
she saw the snow melt on the mountain-tops, but she never saw the prince, so she always went home still sadder than before.
At home her only consolation was to sit in her little garden with her arms twined round the handsome marble statue which reminded her of the prince.