The Six Swans
Once upon a time, a king, hunting in a great forest, chased a wild boar so eagerly, that none of his people could follow him.
When evening came, he stopped to look about him, and saw that he had lost himself.
He sought everywhere for a way out of the wood, but could find none.
Then he perceived coming towards him an old woman, whose head kept constantly shaking. She was a witch.
"My good woman," said he to her,
"cannot you show me the way through the wood?"
"O yes, your majesty," answered she,
"that I can, but only on one condition,
and if you do not agree to it, you will never get out,
and must die here of hunger."
"What is the condition?" asked the king.
"I have an only daughter," said the old woman,
"she is as beautiful as any one you could find in the wide world, and well deserves to be your wife;
if you will make her your queen, I will show you the way out of the wood."
The king, in the fear of his heart, consented, and the old woman led him to her house, where her daughter sat by the fire.
She received the king as if she had expected him, and he saw that she was very beautiful;
but still she did not please him, and he could not look at her without a secret shudder.
After he had lifted up the maiden beside him on his horse, the old woman showed him the way,
and the king arrived again at his royal castle, where the wedding was celebrated.