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来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Winter snack foods in Beijing

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, thanks for ______ here.

Mark: I was glad to come when I ______. I've got ______.

Jingjing: Anytime you need to ______ and head to work, you'll just need ______ to walk to the nearest station. They're all pretty close here.

Mark: I know. I ______ in this area.

Jingjing: Oh yeah, I remember you ______. I thought we'd just ______ where the streets take us.

Mark: That's ______. Did you have breakfast already?

Jingjing: I had ______. What about you?

Mark: I didn't ______ after I left the house to come meet you. Then, I was worried about ______.

Jingjing: Mark, it's ______. You're still ______?

Mark: ______ a package of crackers I had ______, yes.

Jingjing: Well, let's find something ______ for you. Fortunately, that's ______ around here.

Mark: I know, right? It seems like we were just in this area ______.

Jingjing: That was late summer, or early autumn, ______. Let's find a few ______, special to northern China and ______ winter.

Mark: We had ______ last time we visited this area and—hey, what's that ______?

Jingjing: That's ______.

Mark: Oh, yeah, I see the guy ______.

Jingjing: Wanna ______ and buy one?

Mark: You bet! That'll ______ until we can find something ______.

Jingjing: Here, do you want ______?

Mark: I'd like the one that's been ______.

Jingjing: Hmm, an ______ sweet potato. ______.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, I'd like to introduce you to a few other Beijing ______, but I'm afraid you've _______.

Mark: As long as it's not ______, I'm happy to try it ______.

Jingjing: Good. How abou ______? Do you know how those _____?

Mark: I've seen them in ______, ______ hot rocks.

Jingjing: Yeah, those are ______ chestnuts, kind of _______ when translated into English.

Mark: Try ______. We'd be missing the part abou ______ —which people could guess anyway.

Jingjing: Sure, thanks. Here, I've _______. Do you know ______?

Mark: ______.

Jingjing: Mark, Mark, Mark. You don't have to use your hands ______. Just make a ______ down the ______. After that, you'll have an easy time ______.

Mark: Oh, thanks for ______. Say, these aren't _______.

Jingjing: They aren't ______, or you'd ______. Would you like 冰糖葫芦?

Mark: ______. Sugar-coated hawthorn, right?

Jingjing: That'll ______, while providing some vitamin C to ______ a common cold.

Mark: Should I get the one with _______ orange and banana with it ______?

Jingjing: They always try to ______. But I think the ______ is your best choice.

Mark: You're probably right. Anyway, it ______ I'm a kid.

Jingjing: You ______ where you lived as a child?

Mark: Nope. But ______ it's a kid thing ______.

Jingjing: Well, enjoy ______ for a few minutes, Mark. Just ______ the seeds.

new words and phrases

running on empty: 

a cinch: 

if memory serves:

tie over: 

a misnomer:

haven't in ages:

jazz it up:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

misnomer [,mis'nəumə]


n. 用词不当;写错姓名;误称





