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第273期:曲外之音- 偷一块面包被关十九年的世界,何其悲惨!

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Welcome to the Sound of Musicalsour new musical segment. In this new segmentthe Sound of Musicals, I will be joined by Oliverwho is, as you know, a musical enthusiast, and has also had years of practice in amateur theater groups. Welcome backOliver.

Hello, thank you for having me back.

And are you excited that we're gonna talk about musicals and different types of musicals

I am so excited. I could talk about musicals for a veryvery long time. So this is a very good thing for me to be doing right now.

Yeahgreat. I mean this is why we actually started a new segment just for musicals. But first of allwhy do you like musical so much

I like musicalsI think because it tells stories that we relate to... modern sort of real world storiesbut it has more of an optimistic side to it. So even though bad things are happeningthe music is normally optimistic or joyful.

So it takes away some of the seriousness and sadness which I likebecause it's a very good way to relax and to enjoy the music and the show and the story you are listening to or watching.

Especially compared to opera. Opera is always so serious.

Opera is a very serious and very difficult thing to do. So musicals are definitely more for relaxing. You told me before you like them, why do you like them

The reason I like musicals partially is because what you saidthey're very happy tunesvery catchy tunes. And I don't know musicals just put a smile on my face. I wouldn't say I'm a huge music fan. In generalI don't listen to a lot of music, I listen to audio books more. But musicals is one thing that I would lovenot just listening to thembut it's alsoa lot of the musicals are worth really going to the theater to see.

They definitely are, everything is veryvery different in the theater, yeah.

Yeah, exactlyit's magical. But having said that, our first musical of choice that the first musical we're gonna talk about in this new segment is not as joyful, is it

No, its not, this is possibly my favorite musicalbut is the opposite of everything I just said about why I like musicals. So it's a very strange one. Yes, it's fantastic though.

I think some of our audience will be able to guess. And then Oliveryou can tell us the name of the musical.

I'm sure lots of people already knowbut the musical today is Les Miserable.

Les Miserablethe French pronounce it Les Misérables, right, like with thersoundbut English speakers would just say Les Miserables or Les Mis.


This is what I've heard.

Today I am going to be calling it Les Mis because it's much easier than trying to say the French name and get it wrong so many times because I know I don't say it right, Les Mis.

Yeah, because when you see itit's so easy to just relate to the English word miserable.

Yesif we read it in Englishit says Les miserable, which is not quite right, Les Mis for me today.

就是悲惨世界. Yon know that in Chinese we just translated into a miserable world or sadvery sadtragic world.

I did not, but that really does describe it very well.

So for the audience who have never read the book or watch the movie or actually seen the musical, first of alllet's talk about the background of the show because it is based on a bookbased on a very famous bookright

It's based on the novelLes Miserablessame name, which was written by a Frenchman named Victor Hugo in 1862.

So it's an old book. It was written close to the end of all of the problems that France had had with the revolution. So Victor Hugo was there and he knew what was happened and he wrote Les Miserables to talk about it.

Yeah, it's pretty much a book on realism. It's because a lot of it is more realistic depiction of the misery that France has been through.

雨果这本书,当时是有一千两百页长,it was originally over 1,200 pages. It was a very long story.

It is a very long story. I have the book on my bookshelf here and it's a big book.

Yeahand the musical version of itwhen did it debut

So the first musical version of Les Mis was in Paris in 1980. And that ran only for 3 monthsbut then in 1985,it was made into an English speaking version of Les Mis and it started in London. I think its stopped a few years agobut it is the longest running show in the West End ever. So it was running for more than 20 years.

It's definitely one of the most longest running musicals in the West End.

And I remember few years back when I went to LondonI actually saw the poster. It was still showing in the theater.

Yesit showed for a very long time because people kept going to see it, it kept finding new audiences and there was no need for it to take a break. Its why it is such a popular musical.

So Olivercan you give us a veryvery brief summary of the story for our audience who have never read the book or seen itI know it's a difficult task.

Brief is something which you can't really do with Les Miserablesbut I will try.

So the story follows a man named Jean Valjean.

Jean Valjean.

He begins the show as a prisoner having stolen some bread to feed his sister and her son.

Because he was poorright

Because the time this was setthere was a lot of famine. The economy was strugglingso there was no moneythere was no work. And lots and lots of people they either turned to crimeor they had to suffer through horrible times. It was a very bad time of French history.

He steals bread, he goes to prison. And when he gets outhe has an encounter with a bishop who teaches him about redemption. And it makes him want to be a better manand then it jumps forward in time because that happens a lot. And he has an encounter with a working girl called Fantine.

I remember in the story then Jean Valjean basically started to work hard and got his own factory.

He did, yes, so he meets Fantine because she is one of his workers, she works for him. But through the plans of the other girls working with Fantine, Fantine loses her job. And in this time that is a terrible thing to happenespecially because Fantine has a young daughter who she has to send money to be looked after. So she needs the job, she needs money

And her daughter is Cosette, rightWhen you see Les Miserables the poster that little girl that child that's Cosette.

That is Cosette, that is Fantines daughter Cosette sweeping the floors normally, is the image we see of her. And so Fantine loses her jobshe needs money and she goes down a sad slope where she basically gives up everything that she has.

Firstshe has her hair cut off, so people can use it to make wigs; Next, they take her teeth which is very nasty and then she begins work

Selling her body.

selling her body, yes, I was trying to think how to say that one, yes, selling her body.

And it's a very very bad time for her and she becomes very very illwhich is when she, for me one of the best parts of the Les Mis movie certainly wasI dreamed a dream”, its Fantine when she is very ill, and the bottom of lifeshe sings that song and it's very very moving.

Yeahwe can talk about that later.

We will talk about that one later. Jean Valjean comes, he finds Fantine, and he starts to look after herbut Fantine is too ill and she passes away. So Jean Valjean travels to find Fantines daughter Cosette and he starts to look after her. Jump forwards again in time, because that happens a lot in Les Miserables, Cosette is grown up and they are living in Paris.

Now this is Paris in 1830 or the1830s. And there are lots of groups of people getting ready for revolution.


France hasthey've already had one revolution in 1789,but the people are not happy again. There is no foodthere's no work. There's no money. So the people want to have another revolution to change their country again. And Cosette falls in love with one of the revolutionaries called Marius. And Jean Valjean falls in with these revolutionaries to try and protect Marius. So that Cosette doesn't lose her love. And the revolutionaries, it doesn't work for them. They all die fighting against the soldiers of the king of France except Marius.

So that was how it ended.

That was how thisYes, it was called the Students Revolution because most of the people fighting were students. They thought they could bring a better world. This is how it ended was a few groups of people fighting, they hoped that the people of Paris would rise up and fight with them. But nobody did. So it was a small revolutiona very sad time and lots of young people died. They were killed during the fighting.

I mean the book and the story is sad enough. And then when you put it on stagewhen you use musiclike you said to convey desperation that hopelessness, it's a very very powerful piece.

It is very powerfulespecially when you have the beginning of the revolution with the grand musicwe will fight for freedom and these messages are being sent.

And then by the end of the showonly one man Marius is leftall of his friends are goneall of the other students are gone.

All of the main characters are gone.

Nearly all of them are, yes. Most of the main characters they don't have a very happy time during this musical.

Very sad musical.

Definitely, it is yes.

So in the very first episode of this new segmentthe very first episode of our first musical Les Misérables or Les Miswe talked about so far the storythe background and history.

In the second partwe're going to actually talk about the conflicts between the charactersgo a little bit more into the characters and also talk about the music.

To wrap today's episode uplet's listen to a little bits that I really love from the show.


I dreamed a dream in times gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung

No wine untasted

But the tigers come at night

With their voices soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side

He filled my days with endless wonder

He took my childhood in his stride

But he was gone when autumn came


重点单词   查看全部解释    
popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

opera ['ɔpərə]


n. 歌剧
n. 挪威Opera软件公司的浏览

victor ['viktə]


n. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)

famine ['fæmin]


n. 饥荒,极度缺乏

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

ransom ['rænsəm]


n. 赎金,赎身,赎回

enthusiast [in'θju:ziæst]


n. 热心人,热衷者

optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





