DiAngelo diagnosed what has never not been obvious to Black people (to be Black in America is to hold a Ph.D. in whiteness, whether you want to or not):[qh]
迪安杰洛诊断出了对黑人来说从来都显而易见的东西(在美国,成为黑人就意味着拥有白人哲学博士学位,不管你愿不愿意): [qh]
that white people, when their “expectations for racial comfort” get violated, go into a defensive crouch, and vent some blend of guilt, anger, and denial. [qh]
White privilege turns out to be a kind of addiction, and when you take it away from people, even a little bit, they respond just like any other addict coming off a drug.[qh]
The upper-middle-class thin-skinned liberals among them are also very willing to pay for treatment, of which DiAngelo offers a booster dose in a new book, Nice Racism: [qh]
他们当中敏感的中上层自由派也非常愿意为这种创伤治疗买单,迪安杰洛在其新书《美好的种族主义》(Nice Racism)中提供了一剂加强针: [qh]
How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm, aware that the moment is ripe.[qh]
The word brave gets used a lot in Martin’s book, and the idea of bravery gets performed a lot in DiAngelo’s book, as she time and again steps in as savior to her Black friends,[qh]
who apparently need a bold white person to take over the wearisome task of educating unselfaware, well-meaning white people. [qh]
In a curated space and for an ample fee, she heroically takes on a job that Black people have been doing for free in workplaces and at schools and in relationships over the centuries. [qh]
As she acknowledges, she also “could not articulate the dynamics of white fragility without … reading the work of Black writers who came before my time.” [qh]
Indeed, everything she notices about whiteness has been noticed by Black writers before her.[qh]
DiAngelo’s whiteness is her not-so-secret sauce, giving her crucial entrée to audiences who, as she puts it, “are more likely to be open to initial challenges to [their] racial positions … from a fellow white person.”[qh]
How we have wished that white people would leave us out of their self-preoccupied, ham-fisted, kindergarten-level discussions of race. [qh]
But be careful what you wish for. [qh]
To anyone who has been conscious of race for a lifetime, these books can’t help feeling less brave than curiously backward.[qh]
Martin, ensconced in a hotbed of just the sort of racial self-delusion that DiAngelo feels is crying out to be challenged, wants very badly to be good.[qh]
“We, White progressives, love Black Oakland,” she writes, self-mockingly. “We just don’t actually know anyone who is Black who is from Oakland.” [qh]
Setting out to change that, she is more than ready to break the “ubiquitous, maddening, and problematic pattern” of “white silence”[qh]
—one of 18 “moves of white progressives” to maintain the status quo that DiAngelo enumerates. [qh]
Right in step with Nice Racism’s edicts, she is also eager to “take risks and make mistakes in the service of learning and growth” by speaking up—not just in a workshop, but between the covers of a book.[qh]
The project Martin proudly chronicles is learning by actually doing. [qh]
Rather than finagling to snag a spot in either of the two highly rated, whiter public schools nearby, as her quasi-enlightened Oakland friends do—[qh]
or considering the progressive private school in the area—she agonizes about her choices, then bucks the trend. [qh]
Her account is cringey in its many blind spots.[qh]
She’s also hyperaware that it has blind spots. Does that mean we are not allowed to cringe?[qh]
Martin is most at ease in moments when she is describing her own white tribe and the “inequity and hypocrisy” rife in a hip enclave like hers. [qh]
She’s acerbically self-deprecating, sharp in her observations. [qh]
“I love this little experiment with White parents. If you say your kid isn’t gifted, it’s like you’ve shit on the avocado toast in the middle of the table.” [qh]
When she meets another white mother, she captures the texture of social advantage with a vividness you won’t find in DiAngelo’s books: “Shared culture is the water—cool, soothing, and invisible. [qh]
It’s our food (those salty dried-seaweed packets, those squishy bags of organic goop), our persistent, performative friendliness … our thirty million words.” [qh]
These moments of “white double-consciousness”—of awareness of how deep her ties are to the insular world she aims to escape—suggest a more interesting and less mawkish book than we get.[qh]