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第1355期:你睡眠质量好吗? 支招召唤一夜好眠!

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Dialogue :

sleep quality

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you look ______. Is everything ______?

Mark: Nothing's ______. I had coffee ______ and had trouble ______ last night.

Jingjing: I know ______. I had to quit coffee, for ______ my health.

Mark: I'd just better ______ it after 2PM or so. I was ______ for what felt like an hour or two without ______.

Jingjing: You did the ----- by ______ the bed. If you'd ______, you might have been up past 3AM. That's ______.

Mark: ______? What do you mean?

Jingjing: Well, a normal night's sleep has ______. The third—that's ______ —starts when you've usually been asleep for three or four hours already.

Mark: It seems you ______ about it than I do. What ______ for a person?

Jingjing: That's when the body ______.

Mark: I've given up ______, Jingjing.

Jingjing: Yeah, but you don't want to ______, do you? Besides, deep sleep ______ the immune system, and even a person's ______.

Mark: Then it's a good thing I'm almost always in bed ______, often ______.

Jingjing: That is good. Too many people stay up into ______ and ______ their health.

Mark: I used to do that. I got to ______, even ______ sometimes.

Jingjing: If you're going to ______ at the same time most nights, and ______ at the same time almost every morning, ______.

Mark: If I do ______ one night, how long does it take for me ______?

Jingjing: If you go into ______, so to speak, you need ______ of sleep for each hour of sleep you've missed. You start to feel better the third day after ______.

Mark: I'm not quite sure how ______ there, but I get ______.

Jingjing: Next time we ______, I'll have more to ______ with you.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, would you still like to talk about ______?

Mark: I ______. I feel like I have ______ from you on that topic.

Jingjing: Good. Do you know how many hours of sleep are ______?

Mark: I would say ______. I keep hearing the number ______, but haven't needed that much ______ since I was in my ______.

Jingjing: According to the Mayo Clinic, 7-8 hours is ______ for an adult. Everyone between their teenage years and ______ needs that many hours.

Mark: Wow, a lot of people get ______, thinking they need less sleep after ______.

Jingjing: Young adults and ______ adults need ______ of sleep.

Mark: I never knew that. I thought ______ needed a bit more sleep than ______.

Jingjing: ______. Teenagers need more sleep. Anyone ______ needs much more. Any idea how many hours babies sleep in a day?

Mark: It's hard to ______. My baby sleeps ______.

Jingjing: Experts put it at around ______.

Mark: That's a lot of ______. Back to adults: What should someone do if they ______ at bedtime?

Jingjing: If someone's ______, they have a number of problems to ______. But just for ______ when it's time to ______, I'd recommend writing in ______ for 20 minutes.

Mark: Hmm, I haven't done that for a long time. Next time I have trouble ______, I'll try that. Novels usually help, even if they're ______.

Jingjing: That's another great idea. I have a ______ book on my ______. Even a few pages of that ______ whatever's troubling me. The world has so many more problems than I do.

Mark: I'm glad you don't ______ over the world's problems, Jingjing.

Jingjing: Almost all of them are ______. No one's going to ______ except me, though.

Mark: That's a good way ______. Thanks for the ideas, Jingjing.

Jingjing: I'm always ______.

new words and phrases

knock off:

the danger zone: 

the wee hours of the morning: 

an all-nighter: 


sleep deprived: 

a worry-wart: 

hit the sack: 

drift off: 

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

drift [drift]


vi. 漂流,漂移,漂泊,吹积,偏离

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

immune [i'mju:n]


adj. 免除的,免疫的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





