1、亲爱的Henry老师您好,有个选择题麻烦您解答一下。Sports ___ Simon's favourite.这里答案给的是is,但是sports不是复数吗?后面怎么是is呢?牛津词典里写到( BrE ) [U] ( NAmE also sports [ pl. ] ),意思应该是sport在英式英语是不可数名词,美式英语也可写作复数形式sports。朗文词典里也有类似的解释。但是例句里只有两句:1.My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. 2.Sports is a plural noun in this meaning. 似乎sports做主语时谓语可单可复,所以这个sport是不是也是集合名词啊?请Henry老师讲一下这个句子到底单复数该怎么搭配呢?谢谢!
(1).孩子们把Charlie弄丢了,哥哥PJ很紧张他说:I was getting more monkey.中文翻译是:我变得不知所措。我不理解这句英文的意思,为什么可以这样翻译。
(2).这集结尾时Charlie找到了,之前孩子们为隐瞒实情说得谎话都被妈妈发现,妈妈总结说做了坏事不要试图耍手段隐瞒。女儿Teddy说“Couldn't have said it better myself”中文翻译为:我不可能总结的比妈妈更精辟了。否定的都把我绕晕了。请Henry老师讲解一下,谢谢!
Scene 01小天使的周岁生日
Ross: Hey, I brought the camera for Emma’s video.
Rachel: Oh, good, good! We had this idea to make a birthday video for Emma and we’ll give it to her when she is 18.
Phoebe: Oh, cool! Wow, it’s like a time capsule!
Ross: Yeah!
Phoebe: Oh, just think... she’s gonna be watching that video on a TV that hasn’t even been invented yet!
With friends who right now are just like babies! And they’ll be living in a floating city that the humans built to escape the ant people!
Ross:That’s the hope!2 So, is Emma awakeyet?
Rachel: Oh no, it’s still nap time. But she’ll be up soon.
Ross: Ah, and where is Joey?
Rachel:I said it’s still nap time.
Ross: Hey, there is Uncle Joey!
Joey: Hey!
Ross: Hey, say something to Emma on her 18th birthday!
Joey:18, uh?
Ross: Joey, no!
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、She’s gonna be watching that video on a TV that hasn’t even been invented yet!
2、But she’ll be up soon.
3、I said it’s still nap time.
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、I couldn’t get rid of you for 3 days!
2、I can’t afford to② have principles.
3、It’s the last you’re gonna hear from us!