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Hi,everyone and welcome back to America under the microscope. 欢迎你回到闲话美国. Hello,James,hello.
Hello Lulu, Hi everyone. I have a question for you.
I want you to think back to your childhood. Do you remember any of the books or TV shows you watched when you were little.
Nothing specific but obviously growing up, you watch a lot of cartoon. I actually had Cartoon Network as a channel growing up.
Me too.
But then again, my parents quite strictly limited when I could watch that.
Yeah, I had limitations on that too.
As for books, I think just the classics like Grimms’ or like Anderson.
Also like the fairy tales and stuff.
The fairy tale就是格林童话或者安徒生童话. What about you?
We're gonna actually talk about something that I read or watch growing up as a kid in today's episode.
Something classics.
Yeah, so we're gonna be talking about some very classic children's authors and TV programs that almost all the Americans know.
They're like household names.
Very much household names.
Let's start with books then.
Sounds good. If we're gonna start with books, we're gonna need to start with probably the most famous children author in the United States.
Lemme have a guess.
Go ahead.
Dr. Seuss.
You're absolutely right. Dr. Seuss.
苏斯博士. 现在在中国也很流行it's actually very popular in China.
Yeah, I find that to be a little bit weird. Because I asked about is like the Chinese in the Dr. Seuss books. It's like, does it work? Um and, people like no. Not really. Because you can't get the rhymes right.
That's what you mentioned. Dr. Seuss is best known for the rhymes就是押韵.
Yes. Dr. Seuss’s writing style is very filled with rhymes and just the way they use meter to tell the story or just whatever it is is the book is about. If I give you an example here, I'm gonna give you the first few lines of a Dr. Seuss’s book called one fish two fish.
It goes like this: one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, black fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish. This one has a little star; this one has a little car. Say! what a lot of fish there are.
Car, “r”, a lot of rhymes, a lot of rhyming. Is it meant to teach kids pronunciation and phonics?
Some of these books yes, are very much about phonics. So if you take some of his most famous books like Green Eggs and Ham.
Oh that I know, I do not like them in a box. I do not like them with a fox. I do not like them in a house, I do not like them with a mouse. I don't like it here and there.
Yes, I do not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
You really can remember that.
They are catchy. They help with phonics but not all of his books are about phonics. Some of his books teach other things like one of his famous books is called The Lorax, which is about environmental exploitation by greedy businesses.
That's pretty hard core for little kids.
It's a classic book though. So it helps that they rhyme because it's easy to remember. Me and my advancing age can still remember these books, but he's also known for the artwork, the cartoony, zany, wacky pictures that he uses in the stories as well, because he drew them and wrote them.
Pretty creative person. So Dr. Seuss is an actual person. It’s not just a…
That's not his real name. I can't pronounce his real name.
But it's like a pen name or pseudonym.
Yeah, that's what he's known as.
Yes, Dr. Seuss. A lot of the stories seem quite nonsensical. There's like nonsense. It just rhyme.
Yeah, the most of the stories are complete nonsense, but it's about the rhyming which helps the children remember.
Actually, I would recommend when students who ask me, when other learners ask me, so how do they improve their pronunciation, their intonation, I would just say, go listen to Dr. Seuss and repeat after it. It does help.
I've made my students read Dr. Seuss’ books in class. They thought it was torture because it can be really hard.
Does sound like tongue twisters.
Now another really famous author in America who is also really popular here is an author named Eric Carle.
I can't say that I'm really familiar with that name.
Our audience members probably are familiar with his most famous book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I think I've seen the name or the book cover.
Yeah, so it has like the book covers like this really colorful caterpillar that looks like they drew it with crayons.
You do see them in China as well.
Yeah, most of his books have been translated into Chinese. These books are fairly simple and easy to translate. They're going to be things like the very hungry caterpillars like on Monday, he ate through an apple, but he was still hungry. That's a very easy sentence to translate.
It's just like one sentence a page.
Basically, but his books are not really known for the rhymes. They're more known for the artwork as well as the kind of repetition in the pages, because it helps children develop reading skills if they see the same things again and again and again.
A lot of children's books work on that principle. It is just repetition, which I personally think it's just a good way for people to learn, especially like language. What you need to do is repeat.
Yea, if you're especially beginning learning a foreign language, children's books are great places to start.
Exactly, apart from books, what about TV?
For TV, I figured we'd talk about two of the biggest household names we have for children's TV. Now the first one we're gonna talk about is one that I watched as a kid and my parents watched it as children, and children today still watch it. This is Sesame Street.
Sesame street. Even if you have never watched it,I'm sure you've seen some of the characters. You've heard the reference when you watch American TV show or movies,you constantly hear that cultural reference,就是芝麻街. That's like a puppet show.
Yeah, so the show is supposed to be like take place in like this neighborhood in New York City and it's a combination of live actors plus these puppets. The puppets are pretty famous.
Big bird.
Big bird, big yellow bird. I had a big bird toy growing up as a kid.
Me too, actually.
A big one. I wanna say full size. He wasn't small. Also like Elmo, Oscar the Grouch was my favorite, the cranky, green monster who lives in a garbage can.
Yes. I had that as well.
Cookie monster.
There was a vampire.
The count who taught children how to count: One, two, three, hahaha.
But all these characters basically the aim is still somewhat educational.
Right, they are all there to educate so they kind of act as the children, whereas the adult actors usually act as the parents in the situation to teach these skills. So yeah, it taught things like words, letters, numbers that are pretty common for children shows, but it also taught social situations. In fact, they had episodes that actually dealt with death.
Wow, how did that come up?
Since this is a very long running show, it's been on since 1969. Actors have changed. Some of the actors have unfortunately died. They just wrote that into the program itself by making the character also died. And the show just dealt with how to deal with the sadness when a person, a family member or friend dies.
But from a kid's perspective.
From a kid’s point of view, yes.
That's very good because I mean in China, the whole at death education is because traditionally we don't like talking about death. That's one thing to break it to children that would be very helpful. Yeah, what else? You said there are two, I know Sesame Street.
The other one is a show called Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.
Mister Rogers. So that's a person.
Mister Rogers was the host of the show. And two Americans, Mister Rogers is the nice person. He's like the standard of being nice.
Is it like a very sort of wholesome character?
Very wholesome, so the show always started with him singing the song, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, walking in, sitting down, changing his shoes into his slippers, putting on his house sweater. And then teaching kids about the topic of the show whether it was people's jobs or how bread is made or whatever it is. And then the second part of the show always had them going to the make believe kingdom where it is this puppet world. Pretend puppet world where they learn the things like sharing or all the things like this.
So basically, it's human presenter, but he used puppets to present.
In part of the show, he'll use puppets in part of the show. Now they've actually made a movie of him recently. I don't remember the name. It stars Tom Hanks. It came out 2 years ago. So if our listeners really want to know more about Mister Rogers, I would suggest checking out that movie because it goes into his life and starting the show and all that kind of stuff and what kind of person he really was.
He just sounds like a really nice uncle or like you're very, very nice next door neighbor.
Yeah, he is the kind of person like never smokes, never drinks, never swears.
Very traditional values.
Very kind to everybody. Even people who he may not see eye to eye with, always kind to them. So like a lot of Americans highly respect this person from all walks of life respect Mister Rogers.
I see. In this basic episode, we have covered some of the household names in America when it comes to children's books and TV shows. In the advanced episode, I think we're gonna bring it more up to date, because a lot of these what you're talking about, they are classic so they have been running for ages. But what is happening now with the streaming sites.
It's changed quite a bit.
Yeah, in China as well. So stay tuned, wait for our next episode.
Bye everyone.
See you next time.