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Dialogue :

Newborn baby page

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you look like both______. What's ______?

Mark: My wife______a few days ago. We've had the ______ for the past______ nights.

Jingjing: I knew she was ______, and that her ______was one of these days.

Mark: The doctors ______ on the ______th. She started to have ______ last Thursday.

Jingjing: That's a ______ early, but not______. Did everything go______?

Mark: She was______ for ______ hours. We wanted to leave a C-section as______—which, ______

Jingjing: That sounds ______. Now that the baby's ______, is she______ regularly?

Mark: How did you know she's ______?

Jingjing: Your ______ told me.

Mark: Oh. And yes. My wife's ______ her herself; and we're using______ as a ______. The baby goes through ______ per day, though. That's a bit of ______.

Jingjing: I bet ______. Do you know how to______ a ______?

Mark: I did some ______ when I was a _ student. So, I remember ______. Mostly, we ______ that to my ______, who ______ and does most of the work.

Jingjing: That must be a______ for you. Is your wife ______ at home for a ______?

Mark: She ______ to. Her ______ work ______ when she was ______ her______; and she ______ of the ______ program at her company.

Jingjing: That's ______. I'm sure you'll ______ the ______. But health is ______.

Mark: We're ______ for now. I'm going to ______and get some coffee.

Jingjing: OK. I'll see you in ______minutes or so.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, do you want to know what to ______ in the ______?

Mark: Let me ______: the baby will ______.

Jingjing: That and a lot more______. I did a ______ while you were ______.

Mark: ______, Jingjing. I ______to ______ it, but I haven't been ______very much on ______ and ______.

Jingjing: Well, what I ______was just about the______months.

Mark: That's great, and ______. Let me hear it.

Jingjing: OK, so, in the______ month, it's all about ______, as you probably already know.

Mark: Sure. What's______.

Jingjing: Before she gets to be ______, she's likely to ______.

Mark: Ooh, I had that______ when I was a______.

Jingjing: There are things you can do to______, like ______ like an ______, ______ her torso in your hands and ______ her ______ while you move.

Mark: I wouldn't have______ that on my own. I only knew a ______ was ______.

Jingjing: That's ______ thing. On to the______ month, she'll be able to______ people. In her______ month, she'll ______ by herself.

Mark: When should her ______ start to______?

Jingjing: That______ when she's ______ months old. It's pretty ______. So, be ready for some late nights of ______.

Mark: We'll probably be used to it ______. I'm looking forward to ______.

Jingjing: ______ is better than what ______. Just be careful to ______ it, to kill the ______.

Mark: Thanks, Jingjing! I'll let you know______.

new words and phrases

due date:





a last resort:

baby formula:



重点单词   查看全部解释    
formula ['fɔ:mjulə]


n. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品
adj. (赛

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

premature [.premə'tjuə]


adj. 提前的,过早的,早产的 n. 早产儿,早熟

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩





